Example sentences of "[v-ing] him for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 " Oh , that 's you , Fiver , is it ? " said Bigwig , noticing him for the first time .
2 He pounced on the Scottish selectors for not picking him for the 4 × 100 metres relay team for Edinburgh and , so it said in one of the tabloids , he was now ready to meet Linford Christie .
3 After meeting him for the first time , Vincent thought that he must be wealthy .
4 Talking to him is always like meeting him for the first time — he never comes out with the same old stuff and you can look forward to an interesting conversation .
5 She glanced up at him , feeling oddly shy , almost as though she were meeting him for the first time with no doubts , no mistrust , between them .
6 A Jewish chronicler attributed the success of the expedition entirely to the youthful Ensign , calling him for the first time ‘ Cidi ’ , the equivalent of Mio Cid ‘ my lord ’ .
7 Vincent looked at him , as if seeing him for the first time .
8 She looked up at Trent , as if seeing him for the first time : ‘ I 'd have drowned if you 'd left me on the Key . ’
9 Let me now assume that you are being considered by a prospective principal and are seeing him for the first time .
10 The boyish expression transformed the hard planes of his face and she stared at him as if she was seeing him for the first time .
11 But seeing him for the first time was like when you buy a new make of car you never noticed that kind before , then you realise they 're all over the place .
12 Though he was more like his old self , many suspected they were seeing him for the last time .
13 Knowing him for the hard-hearted son of a bitch he was , I was still shaken .
14 And the first step is to stop treating him like a tube of toothpaste — something you can squeeze the contents out of whenever it suits you — and start appreciating him for the easy-going patient guy he obviously is .
15 She moved past them , smiling at Axel , as if welcoming him for the first time .
16 In doing so , he had to jettison most of what those close to him had been telling him for the past 16 months .
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