Example sentences of "[v-ing] from her [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 She sat in the opposite chair while Lucy put a record on ; she flung one leg across the other knee , rolled a cigarette and contained the volcano surging from her clitoris to tight silent lips .
2 Flushing from her toes to the roots of her hair , Polly drained the last of her coffee , the mug clattering against her teeth .
3 ‘ You look a little distraite , ’ he observed drily , his eyes moving from the rumpled strands of blonde hair escaping from her plait to the finger-marks and the damp champagne patch on the front of her dress .
4 More to the point , the urgent message rushing from her brain to her feet seemed to have encountered an impassable landslide en route .
5 Everyone jumped in alarm , Mademoiselle leapt to her feet sending a pile of books clattering from her desk to the floor she glared at Mary-Lou
6 That goading note in his voice brought a slow flush to her face , rising from her neck to her cheeks .
7 When he was completely naked , Hilary stood quietly before him , a well of excitement spreading from her groin to her breasts so that they tingled painfully .
8 His mouth was on hers , and her own lips were responding , and a delicious tingle seemed to be spreading from her toes to her head , and a throbbing was beginning , deep inside her .
9 He dragged in another uneven breath , his eyes moving from her brow to her mouth as though engraving every detail on his mind .
10 Her fists gripped the armrests of the chair so tightly she made out the taut ligaments running from her wrists to her knuckles .
11 How can a twenty-two-year-old mother with three small children , whose stock of crockery consists of three cups and four plates , find the economic or emotional hardware to plug up the six-inch hole around the pipe running from her sink to an outside drain , or similar holes round all the pipes in her kitchen ?
12 Judging from her reaction to me , she is unlikely to discourage their interest . ’
13 His hands , sliding from her hair to her neck and down inside the filmy black blouse , denied the imputation .
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