Example sentences of "[v-ing] from [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The van slewed wildly , but kept travelling , smoke appearing from its rear tyres as it swerved and skidded back towards the exit .
2 Together , these mean that piglets need protecting from their own mothers as well as from other sows .
3 That is deflecting from your main purpose of persuading most of the people present to accept your case .
4 This has the effect of eliminating from our daily lives all those negative influences , problems and restrictions and replacing them with the seeds of positive plans , happiness and an expansive and creative mind .
5 Luckily , Taffy returning from his annual holiday remembered that there was a complete Tacker in the factory of a local manufacturer still being operated .
6 The only conclusion that can be drawn from the above correspondence is that Stirling must have had some sort of operation in mind using parachutes during the period when he was returning from his second visit to Sirte .
7 returning from my prolonged Summer break , I was initially almost as sceptical as the Tory faithful at Blackpool that John Major faces a leadership crisis .
8 The scream was her own , as her orgasmic juices added to the squelching mess oozing from her steaming twat .
9 Having already been severely admonished by his father , the young man despaired of finding any sympathy or understanding from his immediate family , always , however , with the exception of his mother .
10 The sun 's warmth falls on my body , its rays filling me and driving from me all fear and shadows .
11 It had settled already on the mounds still lying heaped on the field , white as quicklime ; flesh not yet cold and consigned already to ashes ; bone , juice , and fibre still consuming its fuel , deflating from its last action ; sponging off the last image and led already to dust .
12 The parchment was illuminated : an Englishman stood waist-deep in an ocean of scalloped rills , drawing a galleon of far greater tonnage than any ship Kit had ever sailed in as if it were a child 's toy boat ; he was pulling it towards a pair of islands , like pease puddings , smoking from their rounded summits on the pretty dish of the sea , garnished with sea creatures : one had a spiralling tusk and frilly fins , another a crocodile 's saw-toothed snout .
13 They were failing to recognize or were positively discounting the rights of those dissenting from their particular views of public order , and subjecting that dissent to the full coercion of the state .
14 Developing from his early research in South Africa , Lester King constructed a new approach to geomorphology based upon a study of the world 's plainlands ( King , 1950 ) and in that approach claimed that continent-wide bevelled surfaces were produced by pediplanation .
15 The crucified spy shifted , gargling from his crushed throat .
16 We need to analyse the interaction between electors , whose attitudes have already been influenced by a variety of considerations ( ranging from their own sense of both national and local political issues , down to whatever perception they might have concerning their need to accommodate themselves to their social superiors ) , and the party electioneers , who were determined to influence the electorate in whatever way they thought fit ( which invariably meant a combination of political propaganda and various forms of manipulation , bribery and intimidation ) .
17 Rita 's teaching experience has been enormously full and varied , including recreational classes ranging from her first class of East-enders at Plaistow to her university class at Newcastle 20 years later , courses for schoolchildren , for Civil Defence trainees and for physiotherapy students ( only this year , at the Sports Medicine exhibition , physiotherapists came up to the Medau stand to say that they had been taught Medau by Rita Quick ) , and work with the mentally ill and disabled .
18 The face of the creature was pointed , animal-like , goat-like , and there were cruel curving talons protruding from its front paws and curling toes with gristly joints and sharp nails at the back .
19 Time and again , they came upon heaps of white shard-like bones or tripped cursing over a trailing white , skeletal arm or leg protruding from its thin veil of soil .
20 Beaked whales generally have only a single pair of teeth protruding from their lower jaw , and instead of teeth they use a ribbed palate to get a firm grasp on their prey .
21 Peeling and torn adverts advertise the ‘ Summer Sun ’ a middle aged woman , in a tweed suit looks up and reads it as an excuse to turn away from her neighbour , an ‘ undesirable type ’ or a young again middle aged man greased back hair , a black fake leather jacket with sheep skin bits appearing here and there and a necklace protruding from his left nostril eventually attaching itself to his right ear .
22 And his voice befitted his size , a great hull bellow surging from the depths of his powerful chest and booming from his gaping jaws .
23 Were you acting from your inner Child 's desperate desire for love ?
24 Sooner than he had expected , Harry found himself back in Swindon Central Library , this time perusing the national newspapers for 2 June 1987 in the hope of gleaning from them some clue as to what had eluded him on his visit to Tyler 's Hard .
25 The germanium layer confines the charges just under the skin , preventing them from bumping into the surface and scattering from their designated path through the transistor .
26 The thought of escaping from her stuffy cabin became irresistible .
27 She put her hand tentatively to her face , a small , fretful , cry escaping from her bruised lips .
28 Acting , according to Middle East International of Aug. 30 , " almost like a real parliament " , the Assembly voted to amend legislation for a new sales tax by exempting from it all food and medical products , paper for schools and journals and certain other products .
29 A Cardiff woman , aged 35 in 1939 , suffered from decayed teeth , bronchitis every winter and a prolapsed uterus dating from her second pregnancy , yet she did not consider herself ill .
30 The Brighton Museum is offering a selection of her paintings from her English period , 1766–81 , although paintings for British clients dating from her Italian period are included , as is her self portrait ( a copy of that in the Uffizi gallery ) .
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