Example sentences of "[v-ing] at the [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Volcanic lines and clusters also exhibit patterning at the regional and local scale with both radial and rectilinear arrangements being found .
2 Looking at the administrative and financial arrangements more generally , the diminution of political concern is remarkable .
3 In this assessment of an explanation the writer has disagreed with the main proposition and supported it by looking at the Liberal and Labour parties separately , and secondly at the other factors making for Liberal decline .
4 sales and marketing manager for Whirpool Commercial , looks at the hygiene regulations that apply to the caterer , with particular reference to the Food Safety Act , highlighting the importance of using a commercial , rather than domestic microwave , and also looking at the economic and environmental benefits offered by a waste compactor .
5 A visit to a country house for instance will probably include reference to some of the social groups and classes of the period under study ( upstairs/downstairs , the estate workers , the craft or factory workers who produced many of the goods seen in the house ) ; the role of the gentry as leaders and rulers of their society can be covered ; there will be ample scope for looking at the economic and technological aspects of life in the period , especially if the house is related to its setting and the surrounding estate and countryside that supported it ; finally there will be objects or rooms in the house which relate to cultural or religious life in the period .
6 And the contact turned into an embrace without either of them looking at the other or talking , they just put their arms around each other .
7 Now if I could just remind you of what 's happened at the Lyndford Haven er er , Synod , last March erm , the Financial Committee have suggested that we should go for a target of five hundred and ten thousand but er , this is we are not gon na be able to even start looking at the eleven and a half thousand if if er all the provinces do it for months and more and we , I think very bravely or foolishly whatever way you li , look at it , proposed that we should got to five hundred and forty thousand and it looks as thought we 're gon na end up certainly nearer to five ten than five forty .
8 Probably only a minority of these carried the commitment through into adulthood , though as Gilroy writes ( 1987 : 187 ) , " by looking at the broad and diverse use to which the language and symbols of Rastafari have been put , it is possible to conceive it as a movement in which the lines dividing different levels of commitment are necessarily flexible " .
9 While some may come to admire the Guercino or the girandoles , many people , including children , may enjoy looking at the old or not-so-old toys , or even a collection of fifty years of milk bottles from the local dairy .
10 ‘ We 'll look at that when we 're looking at the commercial and marketing risk .
11 I am a present looking at the dozen or so cones sitting on the floor and am making up my mind to do something with them , but even with ingenious ideas , how does one find time with all that knitting to do ?
12 Only those acting at the second and third stages have been described in the present chapter , but the most important agents for small mammal bone accumulations are those operating at the first stage of taphonomic modification .
13 The enquiry will be based on detailed case studies , including corporate and state interests operating at the national and EEC levels , as well as local employers , landowners and pressure groups in three different rural districts — Copeland ( Cumbria ) , Aylesbury Vale ( Buckinghamshire ) and East Devon .
14 So in the end he took to pointing at the last and most precious of " the possessions " … tiger-skins , bookcases full of elevating and instructional volumes , embroidered samplers , teasets of bone china , humidors and candlesticks , mounted elephants ' feet , and rowing-oars with names of college eights inscribed in gilt paint ; the ladies were instructed to improvise sandbags out of linen sheets and pillowslips and fine lace tablecloths .
15 You were staying at the Imperial when I phoned you to set up the interview last week .
16 Are you still sort of staying at the same or
17 Although running at the same as the national Children In Need Appeal , Cash for Kids is organised locally by Radio Clyde , and the money is used to provide special Christmas treats or presents for needy children throughout West Central Scotland .
18 The Arkansas Animal , meanwhile , also made a bogey on the 17th in his second 71 , birdies coming at the 15th and 18th , the latter another one of those ‘ he did what ? ’ examples .
19 When they reached it , they spied two men standing at the ready as they had expected : the passage through the palisade over the water was always manned by a guard or two .
20 Gazing at the random and momentary flares Ludens felt himself in the presence of some awful rite .
21 It is rather more difficult to categorise the nature of processing at the tactical and strategical levels , even within the relatively simple dichotomy between controlled and automatic processes .
22 The words written by Hinrich Medau in 1933 continue to guide our work today : ‘ The all-important inspiration of Medau work still remains the close connection between movement and music and we are constantly working at the deepening and widening of our knowledge in this as in other spheres ’ .
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