Example sentences of "[v-ing] with [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
2 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
3 Housing — Secure tenancy — Death of tenant — Tenant obtaining tenancy of council house 10 days before death — Tenant 's brother living with him in different council premises during 12 months prior to death — Whether brother ‘ resided with ’ deceased tenant so as to succeed to tenancy — Housing Act 1985 ( c. 68 ) , s. 87
4 I thought she was really very nice and my opinion was formed from that one meeting with her by pure accident .
5 I felt he was vying with me for proprietary rights over Jean-Claude .
6 The Major encouraged him , then walked him round in a circle , conversing with him in low reassuring tones .
7 Now at that time the Scottish National Party was the only other party in Scotland advocating what we were advocating ( though obviously going much further ) and it seemed to me crazy to be competing with them for devolutionary votes .
8 ‘ I remember her staying with us at Carinish Court , ’ James was saying .
9 But sociologist Jean-Claude Kausmann has found out what they are doing with it in private in a major piece of research that takes the lid off the French marital laundry basket .
10 ‘ A work of art ’ , said Joseph Brodsky , ‘ of literature especially … addresses a man tête à tête , entering with him into direct relations . ’
11 As an economist , Pareto was well aware of the further dimension to social phenomena which the concept of interest introduces , and he acknowledges its significance without , however , dealing with it in great detail in his sociological work .
12 I turned towards one of the crowd , a grey hunched wrinkled old crone , and started arguing with her in formal fashion : was I dead , or was I not ?
13 He also , Busacher observed , seemed to be playing a curious double game with both Ingrid and the little Hoflin — being charming to both of them and he was seen lunching with them on alternate days .
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