Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no denying that hierarchical structure has been the source of a great deal of trouble and inefficiency .
2 There is no denying that many things have improved since the revolution .
3 Other sociologists have supported Lockwood and Goldthorpe in denying that clerical workers have become proletarian , but they have attacked the proletarianization thesis in a different way .
4 The day after Myeni 's warning , Buthelezi distanced himself from it in a statement denying that any decision had been taken to deploy fighters .
5 He responded by denying that any concessions had been made .
6 The men , one of whom was named as Ernest Joma , were quickly arrested , however , and two hours later the then Information , Ideological Guidance and Co-operative Development Minister , Simon Pierre , broadcast a message denying that any coup had taken place and calling for calm .
7 At present , there 's no denying that sectional conferences need some guidelines , I mean you only need one experience like last year 's Apex conference to realize that .
8 Glad to be in Dublin once more , I roamed around the shops , noticing that many bakers had ‘ Brack Loaves ’ on display , with rings placed on them .
9 Professor Tisdale , 47 , began the project at Aston University , Birmingham , after noticing that some cancers stopped sufferers from absorbing food .
10 This may be enough to make him lose interest but , if he persists , discourage him briefly and matter-of-factly , explaining that such words show bad manners and offend some people , who will like him less if he insists on using them .
11 The nation where this debate is being launched has just emerged , in the spring of 1974 , from a confrontation between Government and unions so destabilizing that some people had been daily expecting to see tanks in Whitehall .
12 The state apparatus is subject to scrutiny and investigation by joint party-state control committees responsible for rooting out inefficiency , red tape , departmentalism , localism , embezzlement and corruption ; and for checking that governrnent funds have been used in ways intended by government policy .
13 Two supermarket chains — Sainsbury 's and Tesco — have their own systems for checking that fresh foods do not contain significant pesticide residues .
14 Without revealing that both ships had been secretly assisting South Vietnamese commando raids on the North , Johnson called upon Congress to pass a resolution granting him sweeping powers to act against North Vietnam .
15 This demonstrates the difficulties in proving that higher expenditure leads to better health .
16 I threw that one back even faster , because in that moment a new shock struck at me — proving that bad things do come in threes .
17 Next day , Sunday , walking through the town , I was amused to see hired buses ( no scheduled services ) and car loads of black clad churchgoers proving that some compromises have been made .
18 The number of entries in the parish register dwindled in the middle decades of the seventeenth century , suggesting that many villagers moved elsewhere once the arable fields were enclosed .
19 Because numerous theoretical approaches to visual word-recognition postulate horizontal interconnections between detectors evidence suggesting that such interconnections do not exist serves a vital function in adjudicating between theories .
20 However , we noticed that rabbits mechanically ventilated with small amounts of NO bled for a longer time than controls when arterial catheters were removed , suggesting that systemic effects occur .
21 This small growth in overall net disincentive effect between 1956 and 1968 , and its being more pronounced at higher-income levels , was really all the empirical support there was in the UK for those suggesting that higher taxes discouraged work effort .
22 But recent studies from around the world have well and truly put the fat in the fire by suggesting that low cholesterol brings other problems in its wake .
23 L 220 , p. 1 ) providing that all fish catches subject to quota made by vessels ‘ flying the flag ’ or ‘ registered ’ in a member state should be charged against the quota applicable to that state , the applicants in the main proceedings maintained that there was no basis for suggesting that that provision permitted member states to derogate as regards the grant of the flag from their basic E.E.C .
24 Although this is consistent with a considerable body of evidence suggesting that successful innovations couple technological expertise with a range of marketing skills ( see the overview in Freeman , 1982 ) , it is important because it shows that this coupling process can be market mediated .
25 Several other studies have found evidence suggesting that oral contraceptives protect against endometriosis .
26 Similar relationships are found among polar lichens and algae , suggesting that temperate latitudes provide a reservoir of pre-adapted non-vascular plants , from which polar regions are constantly colonized and recolonized .
27 Tawell 's counsel , Fitzroy Kelly , had already insulted the jury 's intelligence by suggesting that prussic acid found in Sara 's body was due to eating too many apples .
28 Local studies have established a direct connection between rising prices and annual illegitimacy ratios , suggesting that frustrated wedding plans rather than promiscuity were responsible for the increased number of bastards .
29 But Coun Szintai criticised the Salvation Army for suggesting that some people brought the problem upon themselves by spending cash on smoking and drinking .
30 Abnormal Taq I fragments were also detected in DNA from patients D , E and G using 6G11 ( not shown ) , suggesting that these patients had DNA rearrangements .
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