Example sentences of "[v-ing] it a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This view , if it could be adequately defended , would successfully stave off individualism by denying it a significant part in social explanation ; but to establish the point is far from easy .
2 You can make a ceiling seem much higher by painting it a lighter colour than the walls and keeping the floor a light tone as well .
3 Yet despite that authoritative vindication , the moment the PLO makes what might at first sight appear a slight regression to its old-style militancy , the US promptly joins the Israeli ‘ extremists ’ in pronouncing it a serious setback for the peace process .
4 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
5 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
6 And they spurred forward to pursue and take him , no doubt believing it a happy chance for them , and the Lord Owen caused his horse to appear to drop lame , and so encouraged and led them until they were spread all along the field in open order , within close range of the bowmen in the woods .
7 FURTHER intelligence about the amazing Mr Humphrey Berkeley , who left the Conservative Party after bequeathing it an elective system for choosing its leaders , joined Labour , then moved on to the SDP , only to resign from it , too .
8 The Committee not only recommended statutory provision making all surrogacy agreements illegal and therefore unenforceable in the courts , but also called for the introduction of legislation rendering it a criminal act for any person to assist in the establishment of a surrogate pregnancy .
9 This is magical , and gives the rider of any horse wearing it a +20 bonus to all Ride tests .
10 I 've been feeding it a goodly amount of quinine and aspirin in the night to keep it from going hungry . "
11 That shoulder obviously still him a problem he seems to be holding it a little bit awkwardly as it comes in to Speedy now .
12 While other newspapers were wrongly calling it a second honeymoon , TODAY revealed that virtually the only time the couple acknowledged each other was when Diana intercepted a phone call from Charles to Mrs Parker-Bowles and a screaming row erupted .
13 The USA had constantly insisted that the Krasnoyarsk radar station should be dismantled , calling it a major obstacle to the conclusion of a START treaty , and had rejected as inadequate a Soviet decision on Oct. 27 , 1988 , to turn the complex over to the Soviet Academy of Sciences for civilian use .
14 Cupertino , California 's Globetrotter Software Inc , creators of Flexlm , the network license manager , last week introduced GlobeSupport , a remote support software aimed at software developers , calling it a new product category .
15 Diane is a DesignaKnit dealer and she will be demonstrating it a various events , including the Webbington Show at the end of October .
16 I remember your saying it a long time ago . ’
17 In any event , it is surely wrong , for the sake of a few weeks , to decide on the principle of the Bill by giving it a Second Reading while hon. Members still do not have the Stoner report .
18 The aluminium is corrosion resistant , giving it a long life and our systems are made to BS 2997 and are mostly BBA approved .
19 I think that 's what Priest , I mean I do n't know , Priest probably has a whole history of how he got is Esquire style , but Vincent went over there and had something to do with it , and I really think that taking the old style stuff and giving it a new spin helped , and the difference between what we 're doing and what the California crowd was doing — and this was also the time of punk rock — was that we were using traditional typefaces and they were
20 Conchis saw me giving it a lingering glance .
21 But the biggest scam of all is run by the Government , which has somehow managed to harness young energy , ambition and initiative without ever giving it a real chance to shine through .
22 I dampen more towels and scrub the whole of my legs and feet , though I can not remove it all , and much of it smears into my skin , giving it a pinkish tint .
23 I 've been very impressed by this boot , and at a price which , by present standards , has to be regarded as favourably competitive , I 'd recommend giving it a serious consideration .
24 In spring mulch the soil around it well after giving it a good soaking , this will encourage the soil to stay moist .
25 The Company felt very pleased when in 1717 it received an imperial decree giving it a good deal of the territorial autonomy for which its ambitious employees had hoped in the 1680s and , in return for an annual payment of 13,000 rupees , freed it from paying customs duties inside India , but there is no sign that the Company realized that developments of this sort showed the Moghul Empire was beginning to lose control of the country .
26 Have you ever watched seasoned knitted diving into cartons of yarn , coming up with a cone and giving it a good sniff ?
27 The Senate ( upper house ) rejected the key elements of the bill when giving it a first reading on March 22 , 1991 , and conciliation between the two houses failed to resolve the issue four days later .
28 It is particularly pretty as the flowers deepen as they age , giving it a two-toned look .
29 The upper glen is delightful , the River Strontian and lovely trees giving it a parklike character .
30 These two are the best guides to the little constellation of Scutum , with its famous open cluster M11 ; indeed , Scutum used to be included in Aquila , and there does not seem much justification for giving it a separate identity .
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