Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 A lot of personal things had been happening to me during that year .
2 Why are you sending to it with that ?
3 looking after the littlest ones all day and and she 's obviously been speaking to them like that during
4 If it was really the case that he did not mention the power of attorney when speaking to her on that occasion and left her in ignorance of her responsibilities and status , his failure shows , in my opinion , such a want of care as to preclude him from relying , in support of his non est factum plea , on her ignorance of the power .
5 ‘ If you persist in clinging to me in that limpet-like way , Caroline , I will not answer for the consequences … ’
6 The monster bent clumsily over his master , calling to him in that hollow and ghastly voice , like a hound baying .
7 They will want to place the promises that Labour is now making to them in that historical context .
8 I mean how can you justify talking to her about that when the efficiency is improved since she has n't been talking to people ?
9 I was talking to him about that and I got a totally different response from him that I expected did n't mind .
10 I hope you 're not talking to me like that .
11 If anyone from the group here met Kemp at 3 p.m. , it was n't Downes , because nine or ten of you here will willingly testify to the incontrovertible fact that he was talking to you from that time onwards .
12 In fact , I remember Mr Simpson , the landlord of the Ploughman 's Arms , saying once that were he an American bartender , he would not be chatting to us in that friendly , but ever-courteous manner of his , but instead would be assaulting us with crude references to our vices and failings , calling us drunks and all manner of such names , in his attempt to fulfil the role expected of him by his customers .
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