Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The closer the number of times we felt cold came to equalling the number of times we felt warm , the more inclined we would be to think of the words ‘ warm ’ and ‘ cold ’ as applying to the sensation only indirectly .
2 Otherwise it is n-ary , with the value of ‘ n ’ equalling the number of entities .
3 A massive 1000 t steel rotor with 10 m long arms could be spun so that the tips moved at 1000 m s -1 , equalling the speed of sound in steel .
4 In addition to our aim of forecasting the course of Wirral 's heroin ‘ epidemic ’ , the second multi-agency enumeration survey also allowed us to investigate whether there had been any changes in the social and drug-using characteristics of known heroin users over the two years of research .
5 By this time they were starting to review the situation steadily , forecasting the Duke of Atholl 's likely moves , wording formal requests for warrants to meet in larger groups , arguing furiously over the likelihood of being able to get weapons from the armouries at Atholl or Taymouth Castle .
6 DEALERS in Newcastle were forecasting the abolition of car tax could increase new car sales by up to 6 per cent .
7 Choice of forecasting The choice of method will depend on method ( i ) forecasting objectives ; ( ii ) time scales required ; ( iii ) the relative importance of the forecast ; ( iv ) the degree of accuracy required ; ( v ) the type of data required ; ( vi ) the availability of data ; ( vii ) access to forecasting skills and methods ; ( viii ) company experience with forecasting .
8 He has also been a member of the actuarial profession 's working party on AIDS and developed a model suitable for forecasting the number of AIDS cases in the UK .
9 In Luke 's account Jesus , in addition to forecasting the denial of Peter , also forecast that Peter would recover and become a source of strength to the other disciples .
10 Though the system has now been modified for some years , local authorities still play a crucial role in the shaping of the local environment by , for example , forecasting the need for roads for travel to work or leisure , and thus plan on the basis of that need Planners seek to influence behaviour , for example , by deciding that particular zones will be devoted to industrial estates , others to shopping centres and residential use in order to harmonise traffic movement and so on .
11 When confiding the news to Greeves , he said , ‘ My long night talk with Dyson and Tolkien had a good deal to do with it . ’
12 Even in 1995 , the two direct trains in each direction a day between the North-East and the continent will follow the tortuous North London line , circuiting the capital via Kensington and Clapham Junction .
13 Pursuing the notion of building sex education into the curriculum , I asked whether they would not be embarrassed to talk about sex with a teacher they saw around all the time .
14 We have so far considered reasons why the interests of managers may not be best served by pursuing the goal of profit maximisation .
15 He and others were not pursuing the Pill on behalf of women 's reproductive autonomy and freedom .
16 I take the view that the right to register a fishing vessel , as a precondition for pursuing the activity of fishing in another member state , likewise constitutes an element which is inseparable from the right of establishment in the sea-fishing sector and , on that basis , falls within the sphere of application of article 52 of the E.E.C .
17 In pursuing the campaign for family allowances ( initially intended to provide the mother with a wage as well as allowances for children ) , mainstream feminists of the inter-war years were picking up one of the major demands of labour women 's groups prior to World War I and consciously taking on board social issues of importance to working class women .
18 However , as Patrick Parrinder has pointed out , most of these approaches — in their concern with methodology rather than with the aims and purposes of English studies — have led to changes in manners of interpretation rather than in the choice of texts : they do not usually lead to any significant reconsideration of the worth of pursuing the interpretation of texts as such . "
19 The lighting in the station approach has long been the subject of complain and the Association is actively pursuing the matter with BR .
20 Mr Geddes added that his group was of the view that the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , had failed to consult the Scottish people about water privatisation and was pursuing the matter in spite of it not being included in the Conservative election manifesto .
21 It would make the association feel that it had had a better hearing if it saw the Minister face to face rather than pursuing the matter in correspondence .
22 That is why we are pursuing the matter in detail , particularly the transitional arrangements .
23 His ageing government showed insufficient energy in pursuing the effort of World War II and its prestige and confidence were undermined by the German air raids in April–May 1941 , indecision over conscription , the corruption of Belfast Corporation , what was seen as the weak and complacent handling of industrial relations , and confused planning for the post-war world .
24 A considerable amount of time and money has been spent in pursuing the study of river basin dynamics .
25 Even if your Mr Pegg added the atropine before he put the dish down , he could scarcely have avoided poisoning the Prince of Wales as well . ’
26 Among particularly serious instances of pollution picked out in the report were the following : , Heavy use of pesticides polluting rivers across the crop growing areas of the Russian republic ; , Untreated industrial effluent from the Volga slowly killing off the marine life of the Caspian Sea ; , High levels of dioxin in mothers ' milk in Moscow ; , The continuing consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident , rendering much of the countryside of the Ukraine and Belorussia uncultivatable ; , Waste from aluminium factories in Uzbekistan , poisoning the land for miles around .
27 The fearsome tale of the gigantic bat , sucking the blood of bowlers and fielders alike .
28 We 're not asking people to cut down , we 're taking a balanced approach towards alcohol consumption in the whole community , so we 're not er angling the strategy at people who are already very severe , heavy drinkers , or those who are alcohol dependent .
29 US strategic installations and facilities in Liberia included ( i ) an Omega communications system allowing the tracking of shipping and submarine movements in the Atlantic ; ( ii ) a powerful Voice of America radio transmitter situated near Monrovia ; ( iii ) a communications and information-gathering centre at the embassy for contact with US embassies throughout Africa ; and ( iv ) refuelling facilities at Robertsfield airport for the US Air Force .
30 It 's now occupied by Montupet who are allowing the legion of De Lorean fans to drive their cars on the old test track once again .
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