Example sentences of "[v-ing] our [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We 've been prowling around all day on a level with earthworms and rusty , broken down appliances , pressing our ears against the hot wooden trapdoor to the cellar and hearing the silence of ghosts .
2 Basing our conclusions on the characteristics of boards that were successful in organising training , the following would appear important for boards attempting to make space for training :
3 She was obviously under the influence of drugs , booze or both and as we approached , typically averting our eyes from the embarrassing spectacle , a girl of about 11 wiped a candle of yellow mucus from the woman 's nose and resignedly helped her to her feet , staring at us with old , resentful eyes as we passed , reminding me of myself and the Saturday afternoon rescue missions .
4 As trade unionists representing our members in the workplace , this is something we would be unhappy with , to go through a procedure with one of our members and know that that member has lost but not exactly know why .
5 Bartlett ( 1932 ) stressed idea that memories are stored , not as isolated traces but as part of pre-existing knowledge structures representing our expectations about the world , he termed these structures schemata .
6 We can not fully stretch out in it , nor sit upright without cracking our heads on the decking above .
7 ‘ We need to start rebuilding our nations on the basis of our own interpretation of Africa 's history and cultural traditions . ’
8 Next April 's meeting need do no more than put a tick alongside South Africa 's name and we can all start booking our tickets for the 1995 thrash .
9 Let us pray that we may find the contentment which comes from living our lives to the full and being concerned and thoughtful in our dealings with others .
10 We had to climb to FL070 maintaining VMC before we could contact Lisboa Military , and after passing our estimates for the TMA boundary , immediately requested the Porto weather and reports of CB activity .
11 Introducing subscripts 1 and 2 for denoting our quantities in the two dielectrics , we may write
12 • When the activity of our kidneys is considered , a bed-time drink does not waken us by filling our bladders during the night , whereas a similar drink in the daytime causes urine flow to increase quite rapidly .
13 We became ‘ best friends ’ as schoolgirls do , pushing our babies to the park together on fine afternoons and on wet ones , sitting in each other 's flats drinking whisky — how we afforded it I can not now imagine — while our babies played behind the sofa .
14 ‘ To make full use of it we should be publishing our books in the world 's biggest English language market . ’
15 We took our seats and joined in , whistling and shouting and tapping our canes against the floor … .
16 If we take sentences without contexts and devise interpretations for them on the basis of the mutual compatibility or otherwise of the type-meaning of the words in them , we are putting ourselves under constraints which have nothing to do with syntax ; by thus restricting and deforming our appreciations of the structure we prevent ourselves seeing what the effect of the syntax , qua syntax , is .
17 Stepping back from the hurly-burly of political combat , I suppose all the tussles of the last 15 years have been about weaning our politicians off the romance of a benevolent , let alone competent , state .
18 We will need to provide an evolutionary approach to migrating from one technology to another so we 're not forcing our customers down the fantasy land alternative .
19 The dangers of releasing our creations into the world are , he insists , very real .
20 We are just holding our thumbs in the hope that the machinery and fabric will last through the summer months .
21 The weather broke overnight and it blew hard from the south east for the following week which , while postponing our patrols to the north islands , was no great setback to our plans .
22 Rather bitter negotiations resulted in our final victory , and our stuffing our possessions into the windowless cabin astern and ensuring that our toothbrushes — significant status symbols — joined the only other two aboard in the privileged rack at the foot of the mizzenmast .
23 But unless you spent a lot on flowers and balls for the children and on Mary 's birthday present , considering that you had our 15/ and some 5/ or more yes more of your own a month ago , on which no calls but fares need have been made , to which was added about 30/ ( or more ? ) lately , and from it all not 30/ was spent on the dress , you should have a sovereign left : add to this the wages of this month to come , and there should remain , after 35/ to the spectacle man , fully a sovereign , which , considering our needs for the future & also your promises , nay , certainties , at which I laughed , should go to the bank .
24 This environmental movement today is really saying to all of us , erm in order to avoid building platforms off the coast of the United States , we are willing to risk sending our sons to the sands of the Middle East to die perhaps for the preservation of a life style , that some of us are unwilling to develop here in our own country .
25 Let us go upstairs to the bathroom , stand on the stool , look out of the top of the window , craning our necks to the left .
26 and again linking our concerns to the broader structures affecting people 's lives and social-cum-spatial mobility .
27 Singing was intended to enhance the bond between us , for by reciting verses and lines about the Legion , past and present , we were reinforcing our beliefs in the traditions we stood for .
28 We would also like to establish a functional and efficient method for connecting our systems to the specialist gardens .
29 Taking our places under the lights and feeling the first twinges of nervousness , we watched the cameras moving into position .
30 It began one morning at breakfast in the days when I was still a bachelor and Tristan and I were taking our places at the mahogany dining table .
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