Example sentences of "[v-ing] her [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was not grief-stricken the way she had been when her father died , but sorrow was a weight which kept her from opening her eyes on a world where she would sorely miss his company .
2 ‘ That 's what I thought , ’ Dana said , mopping her eyes with a corner of the towel .
3 As she dried herself , banging her elbows against the sides of the small compartment , she started to giggle .
4 Replacing the plate , she stood up and went back inside the house , banging her slippers on the step to get rid of the snow .
5 Rose ignored her , keeping her eyes on the rattling carriage , holding herself in a permanent half crouch , like a sprinter at the starting post .
6 My blaster , ’ she said , backing towards a wall and keeping her eyes on the widening gap between the doors .
7 Swallowing hard , she crawled once more under the rail and inched forward , keeping her eyes on the ground as she went .
8 She opened the door , keeping her eyes on the patch of darkness beyond the lamp .
9 If your child is self-conscious , she may be afraid of revealing her thoughts in an essay .
10 Unfortunately during the photo session the light was behind her and made her cotton skirt seem see-through , revealing her legs to the world .
11 Pressing her fingers to the knot of tension at the back of her neck , she massaged gently , then stretched her limbs to relieve some of her aching muscles .
12 Both arms plunged down into the water , but she was able to steady herself by pressing her hands on the stony bed .
13 A stitch seared her side and she came to a stumbling halt , pressing her palms to the painful place , waiting until the sharp sting had eased a little .
14 Viola Machin , nevertheless , seemed impervious to it : she stood in bosomy grief , in a becoming coat of umber shade , dabbing her eyes at the pathetic bits of the service ; Desmond , in a heavy black coat , managed only an insurance agent 's decorous grief ; and Hilary looked as if cheerfulness might keep breaking through — which would probably , after all , be what Hilda would have liked most .
15 Gritting her teeth , she put out her right hand and gripped the hub of the near wheel , driving her fingers amongst the spokes .
16 Cecilia found she had clenched her fists and was driving her nails into the palms of her hands .
17 She 's been reported missing and we 're checking her movements for the two weeks before she vanished . ’
18 Desperate to find some release , Shannon tried taking long , solitary walks along the city 's golden shoreline , hunching her shoulders into a warm sheepskin jacket against the biting chill of the ever-present north-sea wind .
19 Amber is for ‘ caution ’ behaviour , which you do n't encourage but tolerate because your child is still learning and making mistakes : something like digging holes in the lawn with his spade or hurling her toys across the room in a moment of fury .
20 Robyn queried awkwardly , averting her eyes from the feast of muscle , the dark , dark hair that travelled from his chest down and down …
21 She shivered as a stray gust of wind whistled around the corner of a side-street , averting her eyes from the shadows cast by the encroaching house frontages .
22 Hastily averting her eyes from the strong arched column of his tanned throat as he emptied his glass , she retraced her steps to the kitchen .
23 As the corporals head for lunch they pass a recruit from the TA platoon shepherding her visitors toward the museum , Where she is convinced that she has found a photograph of her mother , Who served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945 .
24 She pulled away from him , shrugging her arms into the jacket sleeves .
25 But assisting her investigations into a perfectly natural death as if it were murder was little short of lunacy .
26 Mungo remembered seeing her teeth in a glass on the bedside table .
27 It was a melody she had always loved ; now , in this packed cellar , played by this golden-skinned Dane who both intrigued and irritated her , it took on an even deeper significance , melting her bones , flowing through her , drawing her senses towards the man who had been yesterday 's stranger .
28 In drawing her conclusions about the family situation the head teacher pointed to the ‘ fact ’ that John 's parents were only cooperative on the surface .
29 June had been a lush warm month , drawing her seeds from the ground with charmed fingers , stretching the runner beans a full four feet from their first green sprouts , and winding them neatly up their bamboo canes .
30 The dull ache became a throb , so that every step became agony , taking the colour from her cheeks and drawing her lips into a tight line .
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