Example sentences of "[v-ing] her [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ms Siobhan Fahey ( see below ) has been explaining her emigration to the south of France .
2 She was not grief-stricken the way she had been when her father died , but sorrow was a weight which kept her from opening her eyes on a world where she would sorely miss his company .
3 Trish , who has been representing her country for the last twelve years with such good horses as Manifesto and Michelangelo , only allows her horses to compete on decent surfaces .
4 She found herself hurrying unnecessarily , weaving her way through the groups of people that drifted along the narrow paths , side-stepping the large and opulent prams that were moored to benches where smug mothers sat knitting and staring , dodging the children who chased each other in and out of the grown-ups ' legs .
5 Fran hurried across the street , weaving her way between the busy traffic towards the underground car park favoured by the staff at the radio station .
6 Sapphire is murdered after consummating her relationship with a White student ; in A Taste of Honey , Jimmy is despatched once he has had sexual relations with Jo , never to be seen again ; in Flame in the Streets Gaby Gomez is badly burned ; in the same film Peter Lincoln manages to escape ‘ punishment ’ , other than a humiliating first encounter with his White fiancèe 's father , Jacko , but then the progression of the narrative is frozen before closure .
7 Lucenzo was beside her in an instant , his hands cradling her face with the tenderness of a lover .
8 Although speakers stressed the importance of welcoming Quebec into a reformed federal structure , the party failed to address detailed constitutional change , and one of the party 's Quebec MPs denounced the resolution as a cosmetic exercise , announcing her resignation from the PCP .
9 But Tilda had taught herself to produce , by widening her mouth into the shape of an oblong , a most unpleasant imitation of a bosun 's whistle , which could be heard almost as far as Lord Jim .
10 ‘ That 's what I thought , ’ Dana said , mopping her eyes with a corner of the towel .
11 She stood up , mopping her brow with the back of a skeleton wrist .
12 She flipped the panel up and keyed in the code , banging her elbow against the wall as the executive transporter pressed close .
13 As she dried herself , banging her elbows against the sides of the small compartment , she started to giggle .
14 ‘ Eat ! ’ she shouted , banging her thigh with the riding-crop .
15 Swept on the flood of her own excitement , she simply changed course , banging her fist against the side of her chair in her eagerness to make him understand .
16 She pushed into the dust , banging her head on the wooden underside .
17 She jumps up , banging her head on the partition .
18 Carol was bounced backwards into her seat and then sideways on the floor of the van , banging her head on the side in the process .
19 Unable to save herself , with a startled cry she pitched forward , tumbling down the remaining stairs and banging her head on the stone floor .
20 Although she was terribly fond of the children she found that working with them was like banging her head against a brick wall .
21 The man had his fingers around the woman 's throat and was banging her head against the back of the seat .
22 Then Rose made a grab for Evelyn 's hair and started banging her head against the floor with both hands .
23 Replacing the plate , she stood up and went back inside the house , banging her slippers on the step to get rid of the snow .
24 ‘ All right , dear ? ’ asked her mother , keeping her gaze on the television screen .
25 Shannon started to shake , hearing again the playground taunts , seeing the looks in the eyes of the children as they danced about her , holding hands and chanting , keeping her captive in the middle of the circle .
26 ‘ No , ’ she whispered stubbornly , keeping her head to the side .
27 For another team , more dangerous company appeared when the local fishing fleet came out , and the paddlers bent over , face down in the canoe , keeping her stern-on to the newcomers by deft tweaks of the paddles as they drifted less than 30 yards from two boats .
28 Everything I 've said about the training of Dawn might lead you to think it 's just a question of patience and keeping her weight at the right level , but there really is much more to it than that .
29 Folly struggled against it , clutching at the thread of normality his explanation offered and resolutely keeping her face towards the centre of the tub .
30 Rose ignored her , keeping her eyes on the rattling carriage , holding herself in a permanent half crouch , like a sprinter at the starting post .
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