Example sentences of "[v-ing] their [noun sg] from the " in BNC.

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1 The chemists encouraged people to have fun in the sun while protecting their skin from the harsh rays which can prove dangerous .
2 recognising reimbursable expenses attributable to jobs , categorising them correctly and maintaining their separation from the operating costs of the business ;
3 The administrators-of the Modular Course , particularly Watson , realized early that sustainable course quality depends crucially upon relevant feedback and that course development strategies based upon relevant evidence receive readier acceptance from staff than strategies deriving their credibility from the perceived wisdom of management .
4 It can however be said that the principle of justice , embodied in Martin B. 's judgment in Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 and perhaps also in Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , 56 L.J.Q.B. 457 , and expressed in the dicta of Lord Atkin and Sir Owen Dixon , still calls for attention ; and the central question in the present case is whether your Lordships ' House , deriving their inspiration from the example of those two great judges , should rekindle that fading flame and reformulate the law in accordance with that principle .
5 Magazines — deriving their name from the word in several languages for ‘ storehouses ’ — are increasingly becoming a recognised field for the collector .
6 They replace traditional legitimations of power by appearing in the mantle of modern science and by deriving their justification from the critique of ideology .
7 The judges themselves , deriving their authority from the Crown , were minded in the distant past to delegate , and the undisputed view in Lord Mansfield 's time was that the judges had delegated their disciplinary power over the Bar to the Inns of Court .
8 The Santos coffees are the best , gleaning their flavour from the iron-rich soil in which they are grown .
9 A dispute with the local rector and manager led to a group of parents withdrawing their support from the school and coming together to form the Dalkey School Project .
10 As ‘ social dirt ’ they become an affront to purity and possess the danger of the contagious and impure ( Douglas 1966 ) , requiring their removal from the public vision .
11 The Social Democrat and Labour Parties of western Europe were able to establish their respectability by emphasising their distance from the communists .
12 Top analysts reckon that the boom could continue with investors switching their cash from the banks and building societies .
13 The ambassador tried to explain what he knew of the sources of unrest and said he thought the mullahs were getting their money from the merchants in the bazaars , not from the CIA .
14 THE FRENCH have been shifting their money from the stock market into Paris property , according to Donnelle Higbee , who runs Hampton 's Paris office .
15 Even so they are still honestly doing their thing from the only angle they understand . ’
16 As the nascent museum beings to find its feet , the determined band at PE look forward to more airframes coming their way from the SAAF Museum and the work on the Oxford will gain in pace .
17 Knowing their speed from the films and their weight and limb lengths , McMahon found that the configuration of motion in human walking perfectly matched what he had predicted from 19th-century physics .
18 They set out towards the west , taking their direction from the sun , but the density of thorn thickets constantly drove them from their line .
19 In place of the chastened , latter-day apostles of Keynes and Beveridge , a new generation of hard-headed spokesmen of free enterprise emerged , taking their cue from the dogmas of the new Prime Minister herself .
20 The boldness of Gandhi 's political tactics obscured to a large extent the modesty of his political aspirations , which were very much in line with what moderates , taking their cue from the British , had long set their sights upon : self-government within the empire .
21 Taking their inspiration from the likes of Can , Fred ‘ Sonic ’ Smith of proto-punk rockers MC5 and Dinosaur Jr 's J Mascis , it was never really likely the pair would end up playing 18 minute ambient bliss-out Pink Floyd covers .
22 Taking their lead from the ‘ gee-whizzers ’ of American journalism , a more colourful , gossipy style of writing took over from the rather self-consciously poetic late Victorian style with its ‘ hapless custodians ’ and ‘ leather spheroids ’ .
23 Most people at the top taking their lead from the government , are callous and mean .
24 They were the voices of lost souls , all taking their lead from the one voice that had spoken Cardiff 's name .
25 The islands were the province of the ‘ sealers ’ and countless other opportunists intent on making their fortune from the area 's abundant ‘ natural productions ’ .
26 I would arrive home from Morning Service on the big day to find the chicks were fighting their way from the shells .
27 It has been argued that , as newly privatised companies will be responsible for obtaining their investment from the market rather than from the government , the PSBR will fall .
28 A new documentary to be broadcast on BBC2 next Friday , Living Off The Game , highlights the lives of four Asian prostitutes who are earning their living from the world 's oldest profession .
29 Dermot Finucane and James Pius Clarke were wanted by the Northern Ireland police following their escape from the high-security Maze prison near Belfast during a mass breakout in 1983 by members of the IRA [ see p. 32808 ] .
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