Example sentences of "[v-ing] its [det] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The British Property Federation ( BPF ) has gone as far as not only producing its own system for dealing with projects but , in liaison with the ACA ( Association of Consultant Architects ) , producing its own standard building contract to suit its system .
2 Not only does the state with the help and reinforcement of its control agencies , criminologists , and the media conceptualize a particular and partial ideological version of serious crime and who commits it , but it does so by concealing and hence mystifying its own propensity for violence and serious crimes on a much larger scale .
3 The problem was not helped by each lab having its own preference for the indicator to be used with sodium carbonate .
4 The US Navy , distraught at the prospect of having its own timetable for deploying the new missile delayed by budget cuts , has emphasised that relations with Britain could be affected if the money is not restored .
5 … particular care must be taken before stigmatising a decision as one at which no reasonable person could have arrived , for this is coming dangerously close to the court substituting its own discretion for that of the tribunal .
6 And in the general fever for branding schemes OSF is also introducing its own programme for vendors to badge their products ‘ OSF certified ’ .
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