Example sentences of "[v-ing] as [pron] [vb -s] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Millie , Sapphire 's murderer , clearly misses male sexual attention , fantasising as she does that her absent husband 's return is imminent .
2 It is all too bland , and the constant reference to the reader as ‘ he ’ is rather tiresome , implying as it does that there are no differences in the reading behaviour and tastes of boys and girls .
3 Of the two promises made by the duke , it is the second which has received most attention , implying as it does that the duke had been poaching the earl 's retainers .
4 Of the two promises made by the duke , it is the second which has received most attention , implying as it does that the duke had been poaching the earl 's retainers .
5 ‘ Flags & Emblems ’ suggests he could be right , boasting as it does ten numbers that are every bit as abrasive and sharply barbed as their predecessors .
7 On the clean sound , reverb really does make a difference , adding as it does greater depth to any guitar 's tone .
8 In the case of Estella however her appearances are n't really deceiving as she looks arrogant and proud and has proud eyes though she really changes for the better even though it occurred because of her treatment by Bentley Drummle and in the end like Pip , she is wiser and has been softened by her experiences and lost her proud eyes and air .
9 This approach to surgical research is again unacceptable , ignoring as it does much excellent research that is responsible for real improvements in patients ' care .
10 Discretion is the ‘ liberty of deciding as one thinks fit , absolutely or within limits . ’
11 Their jit jive music keeps the listener moving as it blends high energy , finger-picking good guitar melodies with deep African rhythms and percussion .
12 Happily this is not a serious drawback and the set is strongly recommended , containing as it does some of the most sensitive and intelligent Fauré playing on CD . ( )
13 Never before , and probably not for a very long time again will it be possible to recreate such an exhibition , containing as it does important paintings from major Western and Russian museums and private collections , as well as outstanding works from circa fifty provincial and specialised museums in the former Soviet Union .
14 What ‘ Back In Denim ’ is really saying as it launches spiteful attacks on Duran Duran and mourns David Cassidy 's retirement , is that Pop Music Is Important , as much a part of our lives , our personalities as the polluted air we breathe and the clothes we choose to wear .
15 Knowing as he does that his uncle has to hold down by discipline a crew with an unusual number of criminals and malcontents , he is still disturbed by the flogging of Jesse Broad and Joyce and the masthead punishment of Thomas Fox .
16 Significant other : no wonder the phrase has such a popular current usage , combining as it does two all-time favourites of late philosophical jargon — the semiotic sign and the mysterious alien .
17 A title which includes Sexism and Deviance must rate as unparalleled in its ‘ shock horror ’ value , combining as it does two of the current ghouls on the contemporary school scene .
18 Thus the subject matter of this chapter , combining as it does both practices in the teaching of the arts and LEA 's INSET policies , has hitherto been virtually unresearched .
19 Any festival would be proud of a comment such as that above , showing as it does that Nikolai Demidenko 's first great success in the West was with us .
20 After Titania 's quatrains — the most artificial verse-form in drama , presupposing as it does that the speaker has four lines already prepared , with rhymes , confident of not being interrupted — Bottom 's prose truly belongs to the world of unromantic everyday appetites : Bottom may have been ‘ translated ’ in shape , but nothing can elevate him to verse and romance — apart , ironically enough , from his role as Pyramus , out of whose Pistol-like doggerel he is ever ready to step in order to explain the play : ‘ She is to enter now , and I am to spy her through the wall .
21 In principle , elite theory is still opposed to class analysis at several different levels , arguing as it does that the interests and power of elites are not based on economic factors and that elite differentiation is inevitable even under socialism .
22 In one Douglas Fairbanks tells a woman to follow him and when faced with her persistent refusal , arguing as she does that she can not abandon her home , he tethers his horses to the latter and carts the whole house off in a burst of white-toothed laughter .
23 ’ That ‘ familiar in fiction ’ is deadly , suggesting as it does that the author has stopped looking at life and has purloined his Andre from the picaresque , in which rogues are invariably charming and whose advances are never rejected .
24 More experimental work in oils runs down the central spine of the exhibition including as it does both the ring form Sea and Rocks ( 534 ) and the hessian Collage in Brown of Trees ( 34 ) .
25 The disc is an unusual one , featuring as it does seven works originally written for other instruments , from Rachmaninov 's Prelude in G minor to Bach 's Partita in D minor , all in Hall 's own transcriptions .
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