Example sentences of "[v-ing] his [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 In a sense , Franco had the United Nations to thank for consolidating his regime at the end of the Second World War .
2 These included the rationalization of the State Intelligence Secretariat ( SIDE ) , with one-third of employees being made redundant and buildings and vehicles auctioned off ( the SIDE chief , Juan Bautista Yofre , announcing his resignation at the end of the month and being succeeded by Hugo Anzorreguí ) , and the creation of a central body to supervise the finances of public-sector companies due for privatization .
3 ‘ Kick me again , ’ said Georgiades , keeping his voice at the gentle , conversational level , ‘ and I will kick your balls so hard that they will fly out of your backside . ’
4 Now , Huy was visiting the embalmer alone , barely repressing his fury at the delay , but for which a girl 's life might have been saved .
5 THE former chairman of the GLC 's Police Committee and member of Ken Livingstone 's municipal revolutionary guard , Boateng , 40 , has risen rapidly since gaining his seat at the last election .
6 The questions being argued in the courtroom were these : could the defendant claim that driving his car at the gang was self-defence , given that he had already escaped ?
7 Russ had also written a number of uncovered personal cheques himself , despite not having an account at the bank , and had ignored auditors ' advice to stop abusing his position at the bank .
8 The music had sounded exactly like all other music he had ever heard , and the intervals between Louise Müller 's appearances had been rather tedious , but the display of her charms had provided more than adequate compensation for the occasional ennui Lefevre had enjoyed it even more , expressing his enthusiasm at the end by shouting , ‘ Bravo ! ’ standing , and clapping his hands above his head .
9 In expressing his regret at the violence Roman reinforced the Romanian government 's commitment to minority rights , at the same time pleading for an understanding of the views of Transylvanian Romanians , who had suffered greatly between 1940 and 1944 when northern Transylvania had been under Hungarian rule .
10 Four months later , Mr Mellor , then part of the Government 's Treasury team , wrote expressing his concern at the amount he still owed .
11 The prospect of another delay prompted the shadow Scottish secretary , Tom Clarke , to write to Mr Lang expressing his disappointment at the postponement .
12 He often comes down to the evening meal drained and exhausted after a day of writing his name at the bottom of letters like these .
13 Stephen Cross ( Wirral ) produced a national standard throw of 57.00m to take the under-17 javelin title , with Peter Johnson ( Sefton ) confirming his place at the ‘ national ’ with a throw of 56.04m in the senior competition .
14 She spoke quietly in Greek to the boy , soothing his annoyance at the turning off of the video .
15 But when he 's describing his life at the Debraces ’ , he hardly mentions Madeleine at all .
16 It seemed to Charles , waiting his turn at the public telephone box on the corner by his billet , that they were never going to be able to meet again .
17 Committee members present included Mrs Carolyne Courage , who brought a bus load of young friends with her son Marcus , who was celebrating his birthday at the ball ; Madame Bernard Giraud , who brought a party of eighteen-year-olds ; Mrs Hugh Taylor , and her daughter Alexandra ; Mrs Diana Wildman , and her daughter Vicky ; Mrs Henry Wilson , and her daughter Samantha ; and Mr and Mrs Charles Lewellyn , and their daughter Sophie .
18 Nottinghamshire club player Bryn Derbyshire was given a three-month suspended sentence with £300 costs , and had to pay £400 compensation to umpire Joseph Purser after causing ‘ bodily harm by wanton furious driving ’ by reversing his car at the umpire after a match in which he had been given out lbw .
19 Its dullness stifled Huy 's heart , and he began to question the sense of feeding his belly at the expense of his mind , though such noble sentiments could hardly be his to indulge .
20 On the other side of the double row of barbed wire a guard was standing still holding his rifle at the ready .
21 Jacques Devraux followed them , holding his rifle at the ready until he was certain the big animal was dead .
22 Nothing of her true nature , not even — and here Pavel had been holding his breath at the back of the Border Control 's interrogation room — where she 'd been living for the past two years .
23 He glides downwards , vertiginously , holding his breath at the emptiness beneath him .
24 Male model Hay , 22 , only escaped death by moving his head at the critical moment .
25 And Goldberg , pushing the hair out of his eyes and wiping his face at the same time with his sleeve , pushed away the typewriter , pulled the pad towards him , seized the felt-tip pen , and wrote : He later admitted that he had merely said between seventeen and eighteen as a manner of speaking .
26 It had me rolling on the floor to see Schmeichel blowing his top at the scum defence .
27 He lit another cigarette and left , losing his way at the end of the corridor .
28 He sat in the 1835–7 Parliament as member for Harwich and assistant whip , losing his seat at the next general election .
29 Whenever you interview Dudley Moore , it is a known fact that you must ask him about losing his virginity at the age of 23 .
30 In 1860 Benjamin Disraeli thought she had such a hold on Lytton that it was affecting his attendance at the House .
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