Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're sending it and keeping it at the same time ? ’
2 This quest for the singular , the contingent event which by definition refuses all conceptualization , can clearly be related to the project of constructing a form of knowledge that respects the other without absorbing it into the same .
3 Then er it it 's only gon na be a case then of knocking it into the same style for all
4 Since cooperation was mutual trading — a genuine alternative to traditional retailing which existed to generate profit — the act of levying a profits tax challenged the integrity and identity of the movement , endowing it with the same status as private trading .
5 Place the other half at a right angle to the log to form a branch , securing it with a little of the chocolate mixture .
6 Other examples in the Renaissance include the malcontent who haunts the very power structure which has alienated him , seeking reinscription within it but at the same time demystifying it , operating within and subverting it at the same time ; the revengers whose actions constitute an even more violent bid for reinscription within the very society which has alienated and dispossessed them ; the assertive women , the ‘ women on top ’ described by Natalie Zemon Davis who simultaneously appropriate , exploit , and undermine masculine discourse .
7 Next Computer Inc is going try to stage a NeXTWorld Expo without leaning on Uniforum by holding it at the same time like it did last year .
8 ‘ Especially if he was doing it with a few friends . ’
9 All the time Frodo and Sam are spinning another , and doing it with the same chronological overlapping .
10 you , you 're doing it in the same room
11 I think the most important thing about community arts is that it 's arts for the community , and invariably one is not approaching it in the same way as one would market , say , a show at the Theatre Royal for instance .
12 If I take away the minus twenty well I 'm taking it from the same thing are n't I ?
13 That being so , it is also likely that they were building it for the same military purpose .
14 Schools may , and often do , challenge society , but they can not avoid also reflecting it in the same way as revolutionaries normally rebel only against some of the characteristics of a society — others they have internalized too deeply .
15 Using a small amount of bleach to clean lavatories probably wo n't do any harm , but avoid using it at the same time as other materials ; dangerous chlorine could be released .
16 using it at the same rate but it 's going for a longer time .
17 Much of this music has no other recording — and none of it on the harp , and King plays it with rare strength , sensitivity and the conviction of one who is also inventing it as the same time — and is delighted by his own trouvailles .
18 This lining can be fitted to the outer curtain by hanging it from the same curtain hooks ( fig. 26a ) , or from the base of the glider on a track with combined hook/gliders ( fig. 26b ) .
19 Rather than give young children charcoal immediately on presentation , we suggest confining it to the few who develop symptoms — in a dose sufficient to increase elimination of the drug .
20 For a second his mind was off the ball , leaving it free for Patrick Lombard to belt in and whip it away , dribbling it for a few yards , then powering it to Mike , who , relishing his new freedom at Number Two , took it up field .
21 No what I 'm say what I 'm saying is that that leaving it for a few months probably is n't going to do you any harm .
22 The only option is to rinse the board in water , dry it carefully and try to line it up again on the artwork , re-exposing it for a few more minutes .
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