Example sentences of "[v-ing] in his [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Merger with the Southampton based British Seafarers was not merely a convenience , but a necessity , and Wilson , writing in his journal The Seaman exulted that " Shinwell 's patched up old derelict has run bow against the rock of the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union and ignominiously gone to the bottom " Later he gave his own version of how Shinwell had flattered the susceptible French into leaving to him the day-today business of the Glasgow branch and poisoned the minds of the members against him .
2 Abbot Ælfric stressed Christ 's humility , describing in his homily The Exaltation of the Holy Cross how an angel reminded the seventh-century Byzantine emperor Heraclius that he " would not encircle his head with a golden crown , but with one of thorns " , and that before the crucifixion " he was not clothed in purple , nor adorned with a royal crown , nor rode he … upon a horse but upon the back of an ass " .
3 ‘ It was quick , ’ Pie said , glancing across at Estabrook and confirming in his glance the suspicion that he was the orphan-maker .
4 There was an uncomfortable pause while they both thought of Pascoe in his enforced retirement , watching the river flow by his garden and reliving in his mind the wretched end to his career .
5 He makes a point of mentioning in his Guide the provision ( or lack of it ) for the poor and ill .
6 He paused , detecting in his voice the first trace of that reedy mixture of sarcasm and pomposity which he knew occasionally affected him and to which he was morbidly sensitive .
7 Le Corbusier talked of the " man-of-today … following in his leisure the organic development of his existence , which is to create a family and to live , like every animal on this earth and like men of all ages , an organized family life " ( 1927p 268 ) .
8 Dyson walked up and down the bedroom in his overcoat , making large gestures , and trailing in his wake the cosy smell of digested alcohol .
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