Example sentences of "[v-ing] in the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They reminded her of last night , and the feeling of walking in the moonless night with her own arm intertwined with Miguelito 's .
2 Walking in the surrounding area is really enjoyable .
3 On other occasions , he had been seen walking in the surrounding countryside at the dead of night , carrying sacks full of rocks .
4 Better ( > ) cold water held in the mouth ; cold air ; walking in the open air ; pressure .
5 Walking and walking in the pissing rain .
6 The Consumer Concerns survey carried out by the National Consumer Council ( NCC ) in 1979–80 revealed a quarter of all respondents encountering problems walking in the previous year , over half of which were considered serious .
7 After walking in the relative heat for two hours , we decided that it was time for a break , and this decision was reinforced when we spotted a river which looked perfect for a quick ‘ dip ’ .
8 Instinctively I turned away , and then I realized I was walking in the opposite direction , then running , almost tripping over my own two flat feet .
9 Their independence reduced the executive 's capacity for interfering in the legal process .
10 Because planning is by definition interfering in the unfettered use of land and buildings , to be justified and accepted by the general public it must produce a ‘ better ’ answer than a free market would .
11 He refused to consider what he regarded as interfering in the judicial process and what they saw as moderating his policy of harassing the Free Church .
12 Their guests were assembling in the open-air piazza below .
13 Fielding and fogging In the above example Anne hears what Bill says , but does n't allow herself to get deflected from her purpose .
14 Rourke was watching her , and she was disturbed by the uncanny perception lurking in the blue gaze .
15 The more I looked at different societies , the more I saw the little traps lurking in the small print
16 The spots of the leopard ( opposite ) lurking in the long grass help to destroy the solidity of its form , and the dappled patches on the coat of the clouded leopard ( above , left ) conceal it well in the broken light of the forest .
17 While Jube stood guard over Grant and the two youngsters , the other two truckers spent a fruitless few minutes checking to see whether the dangerous oriental was lurking in the immediate vicinity .
18 His ‘ peculiar gloating obsequious humour ’ , his ‘ sort of capricious self-satisfaction ’ lurking in the very midst of ‘ plaintive protestations ’ , are described and pondered .
19 That call was an hour and a half in coming , during which time he distracted himself thinking about the shows that were opening in the coming week .
20 However the Committee had felt that the reduced scheme was still worthwhile and he looked forward to the Museum opening in the near future .
21 Endill watched Tock make a hole in the wall , holding his hammer with both hands to stop it banging in the wrong place .
22 The most rapid rates of deforestation are occurring in the tropical rainforest regions , but deforestation is also significant in the savanna woodlands that occupy the drier tropical and subtropical regions .
23 Early in 1983 , a consensus seemed to be emerging among theorists using computer models of the atmosphere that this material , now spreading across the northern hemisphere , would lead to a cooling of perhaps half a degree Centigrade , with the peak effect occurring in the late summer of 1983 or the winter of 1983–84 .
24 The panel design will make it possible to track the responses of ordinary members to these internal party changes , and to the changes occurring in the external world .
25 The most striking non-deglutitive motility pattrn consisted of repetitive bursts of non-sequential pressure peaks occurring in the smooth muscle of the oesophagus .
26 The sheep is infected by ingesting the mollusc and the L3 , freed by digestion , travel to the lungs by the lymphatic-vascular route , the parasitic moults occurring in the mesenteric lymph nodes and lungs .
27 We would like to propose that many of the gestural sequences , both those directed towards the state of play on the football pitch and those occurring in the interactional posturing between rival fans , can be understood metonymically .
28 The finding that the length of pauses occurring in the subject-paced reading task is related to the difficulty of the material being read suggests that pause length is an indication of processing demands of some kind .
29 Perhaps half of the carbon dioxide introduced to the atmosphere has been removed by the ocean , primarily occurring in the northern hemisphere in the production of north Atlantic deep water .
30 If you want to include iron losses ( occurring in the magnetic core due to the periodically change flux ) as well , you should better consult a book having a bigger section on transformers .
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