Example sentences of "[v-ing] in some [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
2 So how do students feel when the likes of Gary Lineker , Bryan Robson , Nigel Kennedy and Lenny Henry are handed honorary degrees by their universities while they 're swotting in some squat with all the comfort and respect afforded to a New Age Traveller ?
3 In Britain it would appear that the percentage of those aged 65 + defined as living in some form of institution has remained constant or perhaps decreased slightly .
4 She needed strength : her and Bernard 's nightly love play would go on for hours , limbs lurching and surging in some kind of gladiatorial combat as if the one who weakened first lost .
5 These issues will be developed by looking in some depth at one particular aspect of the UK state — namely , local government and its position within the wider state system .
6 It is possible to understand this by looking in some detail at a specific village .
7 As the influence of the black-and-whites is so massive , it is worth looking in some detail at how they developed and came by their different names .
8 A third State is affected by a treaty as a matter of fact when the treaty necessitates it acting in some way in response ( even if its preferred response is to do nothing ) .
9 The elderly Chas Varley was peering in some confusion at an arc of screens which pulsed with read-outs and rippling waveforms .
10 Simple as it may seem , he also advises : ‘ Do your own profit and loss projections , building in some room for difficulties .
11 But superimposed on this background were brief ‘ bursts ’ of high-frequency activity , in which whole ensembles of cells were firing in some sort of rhythmic synchrony ( Figure 10.10 ) .
12 ‘ I never seen anybody come back for a second dose of the blue , ’ said a man behind her , for all the world as though he were safe reminiscing in some bar of his old age .
13 She dug in her shoulder-bag for dark glasses and retreated behind them , staring in some awe at the magnificent medieval jumble of forts and palaces and strongholds that comprised this stretch of coastline .
14 I took hold of the snow hook , but to release it meant hauling in some slack on the line .
15 Motions starting in some volume of phase space ( the basin of attraction of the attractor ) can follow complicated transients but , as
16 As in Figure 1 , then , we have four principal categories of nomic or necessary connection , each involving some fundamental nomic connection but differing in some respect from each other category .
17 A body of men and women ( a ) identifiable by reference to some register or record ; ( b ) recognised as having a special skill and learning in some field of activity in which the public needs protection against incompetence , the standards of skill and learning being prescribed by the profession itself ; ( c ) holding themselves out as being willing to serve the public ; ( d ) volun-tarily submitting themselves to standards of ethical conduct beyond those required of the ordinary citizen by law and ; ( e ) undertaking to accept personal responsibility to those whom they serve for their actions and to their profession for maintaining public confidence .
18 But probably a guard had spotted it and it was right now sitting in some staff-room in Queen Street station , or Gallanach .
19 Yet he had been unable to deny , especially when alcohol had begun to leech the starch from his scholarly brain , that her avid interest in the distant doings of Everett , Morpurgo and the Tyrrell Society was inexplicable , unless it constituted a cause corresponding in some way to the effect of her disappearance .
20 And in all three , what is autonomous ( or authentic ) is what is seen as originating in some way from within the self ; what is in some way untainted by the conditioning or manipulation to which a woman has previously been subjected .
21 I responded as usual by smiling slightly — sufficient at least to indicate that I was participating in some way with the good-humouredness with which he was carrying on — and waited to see if my employer 's permission regarding the trip would be forthcoming .
22 But you know erm , the training committee 's view that National College has already achieved savings and approved efficiency while mainin maintaining standards , and the huge number , over seven thousand G M B members participating in some form of activity at a National College last year .
23 They worked up petitions to parliament while engaging in some correspondence with each other .
24 Even the largest-fanged empiricist rarely refrains from engaging in some form of thought experiment , either in framing the terms of reference for the data collection or in the discussion of results .
25 We look briefly at the phenomenon of " temping " by Secretarial/office staff in the South East of England , before concentrating in some detail on the particular case of contract computer staff .
26 Penetrating , complex and totally different in structure , it pulls the single line of melody up and down and spins it out to leave you dangling in some sort of musical nirvana .
27 without perhaps compromising in some way of actually saying to you in January .
28 But you have to have some level of arousal has to be something pumping round you round your blood your brain has to be working in some way to be able to perform .
29 Here we consider the incidence of features which are fore-grounded ( 1.4 ) by virtue of departing in some way from general norms of communication by means of the language code ; for example , exploitation of regularities of formal patterning , or of deviations from the linguistic code .
30 Nor are they indulging in some form of display .
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