Example sentences of "[v-ing] a [noun sg] to an " in BNC.

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1 These processes are variations on the general theme of matching a worker to an appropriate job .
2 Instead I would just like to be able to click a single button which means assigning a macro to an appropriate icon .
3 In a series of studies , Dockrell ( 1981 ) showed that the immediate context of the contrast influenced the inferences children made in assigning a meaning to an unfamiliar word .
4 I said , cupping a hand to an ear because I knew the routine .
5 We would take some convincing that it can be right to depart from it by punishing more harshly than an offender ‘ deserves ’ on a standard tariff , for example by sentencing an offender to an exceptionally long custodial sentence for purposes of reform or incapacitation .
6 If you are adding a connector to an existing cable check that its orientation matches that of the other connectors .
7 to preclude any person from presenting a complaint to an industrial tribunal pursuant to this Act .
8 One can talk of an object presenting an appearance to an unoccupied point in space , and of the presentation appearance of an object itself being larger or smaller than the presentation appearance of another to that point .
9 The question of whether the cash equivalent of providing a benefit to an employee should be calculated as the marginal cost or average cost of providing the benefit is currently under consideration by the House of Lords in the case of Pepper v Hart .
10 If his opponent is not standing correctly , an attacker can set him up by feinting a blow to an area of the body and following up with a sweep .
11 The instructions for installing an upgrade to an existing system can be found in the ‘ Installation Notes ’ which are part of the issue documentation supplied .
12 For the middle classes , able to live a comfortable life with servants to take care of domestic matters and to minister to the needs of dependent members of the household , giving a home to an elderly relative would not have meant the automatic provision of unpaid care by female relatives .
13 And giving a home to an artist is n't the easiest thing .
14 After all , saying ‘ please ’ and ‘ thank you ’ , offering a helping hand , giving a seat to an elderly or disabled person , are the outward and visible signs that we feel that other people and their rights matter .
15 Peering into the dark dry shadows of the hut , reveals to my surprise , although God knows why , a spruce colour television running a soap to an empty room .
16 For instance , the evolutionary history recorded in Figure 4 is a particular winding trajectory through genetic space , connecting a dot to an insect , and passing through 28 intermediate stages .
17 Making an appeal to an SSAT is a very simple task .
18 Not Barriers that there should be a £25 fee payable on making an application to an industrial tribunal .
19 This chapter : ( 1 ) describes how an expert is appointed , either by the parties or by a professional body ( 10.2 ) ; ( 2 ) explains the problems created by the absence of effective appointment machinery independent of the parties ( 10.3 ) ; ( 3 ) shows how an appointment may be invalid ( 10.4 ) ; ( 4 ) provides a list of appointing authorities with figures for some of their rates of appointments ( 10.5 ) ; ( 5 ) outlines procedures for making an application to an appointing authority ( 10.6 ) ; ( 6 ) shows that the court will not help parties obstruct appointments ( 10.7 ) ; ( 7 ) considers the difficulties that can arise from perceived conflicts of interest ( 10.8 ) .
20 One of the reasons for referring a question to an expert is that the expert should be sufficiently qualified , if not actually to know the answer , at least to know where to look for it .
21 Offering a home to an elderly parent — or more particularly , not offering a home — can be a very different kind of decision , according to whether or not there are acceptable alternatives readily available .
22 The initiative usually comes from the developer proposing an addition to an existing village , or from the local authority housing department wishing to construct a new council housing estate .
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