Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ See you , ’ I say and escape to City Road , where an off-licencee is opening and looks up surprised to see an office yuppie ( his definition ) among the line of winoes so early in the morning-o !
2 She pictured Jezrael back home after a shift at Nutristem , laughing and ranting over some petty injustice , wry with self-mockery , a crusader with no shield but a vivacity she could n't even see .
3 Government ministries and departments and state-controlled companies were sometimes more engaged in ‘ turf wars ’ ( ‘ la guerre des administrations ’ ) than in overviewing and collaborating over long-term developments .
4 It is establishing and keeping up mutual understanding between an organisation and the people it wants to reach .
5 At this temperature the molten rock is at its least viscous and it flows downhill as a fiery river , splashing and bounding over minor irregularities like a mountain stream , and cascading over larger obstacles in glowing fire-falls .
6 The actors also play the horse that pulls their cart and perform juggling , tumbling and let off mock cannon fire .
7 Oral tradition played a major part in transmitting and passing down this culture of superstition .
8 Gareth saying , ‘ What 's the matter , ’ urgently , and then seeing and coming down scared and wide-eyed on his knees beside me .
9 Lourdes , one of the Marian shrines most loved by the Christian people , is both a place and a symbol of hope and grace , characterised by accepting and offering up redemptive suffering .
10 The City Fire Inspectors later concluded that the fire was caused by a " freak focus " , due to the rising sun catching and reflecting off one of my holographic magnifying mirrors .
11 ‘ Oh , indeed , ’ riposted Sally-Anne , eyes flashing and giving off all the danger signs which her family would have recognised .
12 In general there was concern to protect the security of their own providers in the first year , to try to sort out the information base for contracting and setting up appropriate systems .
13 Re-creating an old-fashioned Christmas , cooking and trying out old recipes , modelling or trying different solutions to a problem such as bridge building — these are a few of the numerous possibilities for follow-up work .
14 We might , in the process , find that there is no need for in depth designing and costing on each scheme .
15 Mr. Crowther put down the sheet of paper he was holding and picked up another .
16 Fry , dismissed by the 20-stone ticket-broker for the third time yesterday , wo n't be kissing and making up this time … he 'll sue for wrongful dismissal .
17 So called hotting and joyriding around some of the Oxford Estates with stolen cars has contributed to a massive increase in carcrime .
18 He loved dancing and threw off all the weighty considerations of state and all the pomp associated with political office and became a bright and jolly human being .
19 The first week-end , and I were frantically busy preparing for our first meetings with the students , and also unpacking and setting out all the books , tapes , etc. which we had got via the Embassy and the British Council .
20 Her safety-valve , the thing that prevented her from going round the bend , was the fun of devising and dishing out these splendid punishments , and the lovely thing was that they seemed to work , at any rate for short periods .
21 We asked people to keep a diary of what they were doing and to fill in this diary every half an hour , saying where they were , who they were with and what they were doing , and we were able to see erm first of all that the range of people that you meet decreases when you 're unemployed , that you 're actually spending more time alone , less time with friends and other people .
22 Des said : ‘ This trip will give me the opportunity to see how the adopted project is doing and feed back some information to Edinburgh . ’
23 This can be overcome by creating and printing out several files in sequence and a command can be input which will instruct the program to continue pagination over several files .
24 She was helped , she says , by all the classic moves , such as losing weight , exercising and picking up old friendships .
25 He stayed outside and Dr Maxwell came tramping and booming in alone .
26 It developed into rheumatoid arthritis , but being confined to a wheelchair did n't stop Jackie marrying and bringing up three children .
27 In practice , the best combination of instruments for a particular procedure is largely a matter of trial and error but once a simple technique , such as the two-instrument injection method , has been mastered the principles of making and setting up extra instruments will be self-evident .
28 There 's a difference between moralising and opening up moral issues .
29 The whole expense of maintaining a voluntary aided school is paid by the local education authority except for the expense of providing , altering and carrying out certain repairs to the school buildings which expense is borne by the governors : section 15(3) and 114(2) of the Education Act 1944 .
30 I remember that Luke , myself and a friend called David Stewart were all talking and messing around one day .
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