Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Backing from under the bed , she made a dash for the door , twisting and ducking to avoid the out-stretched hand of the landlord 's wife .
2 ‘ Yes , one day we were all laughing and going to take the world by storm with our painting , our films , our crazy music .
3 Think about the shape of the flowers that you are pressing and try to place the blotting paper on top of them as carefully as possible to ensure that they will lie flat under the weights , because once they are permanently pressed you can not start again .
4 Trying not to give the game away she got ready to run , listening and endeavouring to locate the direction of the breathing .
5 One patient receiving cyclosporin had severe nausea and vomiting and had to discontinue the study after one year .
6 He placed two of the sticks at right angles overlapping and began to twist the wire to fix the two sticks together .
7 As they reached the trees they heard a wild burst of cheering and turned to see the first tongues of flame licking up the walls of the cainca .
8 On landing , the Ashdown mob spilled on to the apron and surrounded Kinnock 's plane , still singing and trying to persuade the party leaders to shake hands like opposing troops on the Western Front at Christmas .
9 The adjutant watched them stroll back to their billets , unbuttoning their flying coats , stamping and kicking to work the stiffness away .
10 Erm the course will cover cutting , stretching , squeezing and pulling the petal shape and putting together by wiring , gluing and taping to form the flowers , one day course ten A M to four P M , twelve pounds fifty , inclusive of materials per person .
11 The British believed that Washington was underestimating and failing to grasp the nature of their economic problems .
12 Five mallard shot past the tree in which he was hidden , their muttered quacks in mid-air soft as the sun that crept the way they were going and began to fill the lake with light .
13 It makes a change from housework getting out of the house — and it 's a bit of a challenge too , budgeting and trying to get the cheapest of everything .
14 I think I 'm improving and hope to make the top 50 , or even top 20 .
15 The pump manufacturer was held liable for the value of the lobsters ( property damage ) but not for the costs of buying and attempting to repair the pumps .
16 I stood up with knees that felt like buckling and tried to open the door into the dock ; and it was as immovable from outside as from in .
17 She 'd wanted to throw herself on the floor , kicking and screaming to make the words go away , to make the lover want to stay .
18 Many hours of work have been put in by them in tracklaying and modelling to scale the station buildings , engine sheds , goods shed and signal box as they were .
19 But from the same Grammar School period Edward recalls in detail ‘ the Sunday dinner anger , which became almost a regular thing , , with the boys tittering and refusing to discuss the topic of the morning 's sermon until they received a lecture or abuse from their father , at this ‘ almost the only meal as a rule which the whole family had together ’ .
20 Because I believe that it is the women that goes through all the pain , suffering and has to carry the burden of the chance of getting pregnant which a man does not have for obvious reasons .
21 Scientists all over the world drop what they 're doing and try to discover the secret for themselves .
22 The time of youth in all creatures is a time for exercising and learning to use the mental as well as physical apparatus with which they have been born , of trying out their preprogrammed patterns .
23 The occasion was an immediately recognisable lunch party , after which Comfort and some of the other guests had gone off to swim in the nearby river , while Anthony and Julia had sat together , digesting and beginning to explore the edges of the feeling that was growing between them .
24 Once he had found his clothes and put them on , Ellwood stood up to massage his arms and legs , rubbing and slapping to get the feeling back and loosen the knotted muscles .
25 Some parents with HIV choose to make arrangements for their child to be adopted and they and their children have the opportunity of selecting and getting to know the adoptive parents .
26 The Doctor was shuffling and trying to untie the knots which fastened his arms behind his back .
27 From that moment David took absolute control and while Rachel crawled back into the space and fitted the collar , immobilising Len as much as possible , he administered a pethidine injection , all the time talking and trying to reassure the patient .
28 In Conrad , for example , the focus lies in the sense of individual man vividly exploring and seeking to comprehend the elusive data of his alien environment .
29 The driver was bent over the wheel , while his passengers leant out of their windows waving and shouting to attract the attention of the taxi driver .
30 But before he could complete the sentence , he saw Tony Cashman , solid as a double-decker bus , loom into view behind Ruth , who was gesticulating and trying to explain the reason for the interruption .
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