Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She wanted to touch something , to hold on to something before she spoke , but there was nothing stable , only the hem of the sheet , twisting and giving way in her grip .
2 Among the latest kitchen appliances on display will be revolutionary new cookers from British Gas , juice mills , double skillet cooking pans , ‘ Micro Crisp wrap ’ ( for browning and crisping pastry in the microwave ) , the latest range of Tupperware containers and the best non-stick bakeware .
3 " Will you stop interrupting and pay heed to me ?
4 The stimulating article Some library costs and options by Brown ( an economist ) concludes ‘ it seems to be worth acquiring and providing storage for , books likely to be wanted more often than , once in about 1.7 years over a long period ’ .
5 Heavy spikes can be useful in breaking a surface pan in grassland or in growing cereals , and for aerating and reducing moss in swards .
6 Darkness and hairiness , especially noticeable in butterflies of the genera Boloria and Colias , are taken to be adaptations for absorbing and retaining heat during basking .
7 Among the writings of Ruricius , Avitus and Ennodius are numerous letters of friendship , or amicitia , which were one of the traditional means of cultivating and maintaining contact with one 's peer group .
8 Before I do that , may I deal with the intervention of the Hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) , who said that there was a difference between asset stripping and freeing capital for use in a company ?
9 One way of checking and recording information about the functional vision of pupils in the 5–11 year old age-group is given in the Look and Think programme ( Tobin , Chapman et al . ,
10 this is going back must be a few years , we were laughing and figuring sort of , you know , this bloke back of the garage in the end he said we give him the bill and said yeah you can soon run out
11 The CPSU as a whole , however , should remain a united , ‘ consolidating and directing force of social development ’ , based on a democratic centralism , and with a single statute and programme .
12 Caroline Little 's first recreational class in Rowlands Castle village hall led to many more in the surrounding area of HAMPSHIRE especially when she was joined by Anne Locke and Sarah Smith ( both now living and teaching Medau in France ) and Wendy Middleton .
13 He had been promoting and popularising science for over 20 years .
14 In the cinema foyer the two old ladies who run the cinema are both dispensing and receiving abuse from all sides as to the quality of the night 's offerings , Storm Over the Nile and Voodoo Woman .
15 The background to the above was set out in a letter from the Operations branch at MEHQ dated 22 February , in which they proposed the use of L Detachment as parachutists in a tactical role , for seizing and holding ground in co-operation with other forces landing by sea or advancing across the desert .
16 Establishing and maintaining continuity of leadership during the change process ;
17 The individual defendants at Nuremberg , for example , were third parties to the Treaty of London establishing and granting jurisdiction to the Military Tribunal .
18 Defined procedures for seeking and obtaining approval for major transactions and organisational changes are in place along with a system of planning , budgeting and performance monitoring that is designed to identify any significant deviation from approved plans .
19 Indeed , in some cells , simply raising pH i induces proliferation , as was demonstrated recently in fibroblasts by inserting and inducing expression of the gene for H + ATPase .
20 Information has been collected on households ' patterns of donating money and volunteering time to charities , individuals ' motives for giving , their attitudes to charities , and their knowledge of and views of covenanting and bequeathing money to charities .
21 This prompted an unusually animated argument between counsel and the judge , who was clearly outraged at what he expressly called the crass incompetence of the Crown Prosecution Service in serving and making part of the prosecution case a witness they knew would support the defendant and then seeking to discontinue when predictably he did just that .
22 Comprehension is involved when we look at video and so the techniques for developing and checking comprehension with audio or print are equally valid for video .
23 Whatever the national differences , there has been a shared complaint among employees over the past 20 years , a reaction against over-structuring , over-controlling and over-integrating work in organizations .
24 Victor walks towards me grinning and stripping cellophane off a new pack of cheroots .
25 A lower basal weathering front marked the position at which chemical weathering was actively attacking sound unweathered rock , and on the land surface exogenous processes were eroding , transporting and depositing sediment across a landsurface composed of chemically weathered rock with occasional protrusions of unweathered erosional residuals .
26 Their last album , ‘ Churchtown ’ was their first on a major label and the band have spent recent weeks in West Cork , writing and demoing material for their third LP .
27 Agrarian reform programmes have two basic aims , one of which is redistributive , to provide a juster pattern of landholding and alleviate poverty by giving the peasants more substantial plots of land .
28 He knew the danger of backsliding and kept watch on the average age of the team , which he believed should be reduced each season , and on the form of each individual in it .
29 Most early Saxon churches had a monastic core ; the loosely knit followers of St Benedict used their ‘ minster ’ churches as bases for evangelising the surrounding areas , preaching and celebrating mass in the open at first .
30 Participant observations involves the observing of a phenomenon as an ‘ insider ’ , through contacting and gaining acceptance from the people or groups being studied .
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