Example sentences of "[v-ing] from [art] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Launching from the smallest of waves , more lift can be gained by lifting the windward rail thus enabling the wind to catch under the board .
3 Since the first of September till the twenty-sixth of September , we 've had thirteen bikes go all over Banbury , and since the twenty-sixth of September it seems to have increased and we 've had eight of various sorts go , er ranging from a hundred to a hundred and ninety pounds .
4 The collection totals approximately 150 items comprising an historical survey of first-class material ranging from the first to the nineteenth century AD .
5 They emphasize qualitative and quantitative approaches , methods ranging from the rational to the intuitive , and the role of the clients in the evaluative process .
6 ‘ Western Decorative Art 1850 Towards 2000 ’ offers a delicious feast for eyes with objects ranging from the mass-produced to the select few .
7 They are so versatile — ranging from the elegant to the honestly simple , from the highly spiced to the delicately flavoured .
8 It has published a booklet , called New Arrivals — A Guide to Non-religious Naming Ceremonies , which gives five alternatives , ranging from the personal to something similar to the vows in the Christian ceremony but without reference to a deity .
9 The purpose appears threefold : to explore existential issues using references ranging from the emotive to the more cerebral ; in line with post-modern experiementation , to challenge conventional spectatorship positions ; to showcase different ways of working using new technologies .
10 The children 's club keeps the youngsters happy most mornings with sports , videos and competitions , leaving Mum and Dad to soak up the sun around the pool or make use of the sports facilities ranging from the relaxing to the exacting .
11 Later this year , MPs will be allowed a free vote on three alternative reforms , ranging from the restrictive to the liberal .
12 These programs provide facilities ranging from the essential to the virtually useless depending on your point of view .
13 In his summing-up , Mr Justice Caulfield could not have evinced a more robust hostility to the Official Secrets Act , sharing a widely held belief that it was long out of date and an intolerable interference with freedom of speech , and that it provided a justification for prosecutions ranging from the serious to the grotesquely ridiculous .
14 About three thousand inherited abnormalities , ranging from the serious to the mild , have already been identified by scientists and genome research continues to identify more .
15 More abstract diagrams ranging from the simple to the complex , can be invented by you to show historical sequences , such as the development of an idea or movement ( e.g. liberalism ) or the general changes and continuities that may occur within that idea .
16 Forty two cartoonists are on display , ranging from the simple to the bizarre .
17 Guests can choose from three excellent restaurants with menus ranging from the traditional to the exotic .
18 3 Having estimated the security betas , they then proceeded to construct 10 portfolios in various risk classes ranging from the highest with a value of 1.56 to the lowest with 0.5 .
19 Carpoids are rare fossils ranging from the Cambrian to the Devonian , when they disappeared completely — unless their descendants live on in one of the chordate groups .
20 Conodonts are tiny phosphatic tooth-like structures , commonly occurring in marine rocks ranging from the Cambrian to the Triassic , and of great biostratigraphic importance for correlating rock sequences .
21 Kirchberg is well known locally for its band and throughout the season they stage many concerts ranging from the serene to good old thigh slapping and yodelling nights out .
22 However , it should also be pointed out that the ‘ boss ’ view of headship manifested itself in a continuum of behaviour ranging from the clubbable to the autocratic or even tyrannical , with various shades of paternalism/maternalism in between .
23 Sandwiched between the pair is a vast array of goods , ranging from the luxurious to the novel , the exorbitantly priced to those selling for a few pounds .
24 All the music played was written by composers who were chemists ( or almost so ) , ranging from the seventeenth to the twentieth century , from Campion to Elgar .
25 On offer are paintings , drawings and works of art ranging from the seventeenth to the 20th centuries .
26 Choreographers today choose to interpret a vast range of subjects through what can be termed the purely physical movements of the body , sometimes coloured by moods ranging from the tragic to the comic and even the ridiculous .
27 A jovial information bistro — where fish dishes are specialities ranging from the basic to the luxury .
28 Despite the fact that the contribution from the Ukraine is far smaller than originally envisaged , fifteen institutions in all agreed to lend pieces from eighteen ancient cultures ranging from the Neolithic to the Byzantine .
29 In a city of splendid ecclesiastical architecture ranging from the mediaeval to the baroque the Church of Santa Maria in Portico is unremarkable .
30 31 Italian Old Master paintings ranging from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries are to be sold by the J.Paul Getty Museum .
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