Example sentences of "[v-ing] with [pers pn] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Contracts could be with a specialist unit outside the area , which would be able to keep its facility going by attracting patients needing that care and bringing with them the cash to pay for their operation .
2 I would like to make an appointment to see you next week to discuss the 1992 accounts , bringing with me the rest of the papers .
3 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
4 By accepting the post Kanemaru had immediately bolstered Miyazawa 's position by bringing with him the support of the Takeshita faction , the largest of the LDP 's internal groupings .
5 Joseph of Arimathea is supposed to have visited the area in his travels , bringing with him the Glastonbury Thorn and possibly the Holy Grail , the cup used at the Last Supper .
6 Gently insert one end of the long brush , right along the needle channel and back out again , bringing with it the loads of fluff that will probably be stuck in this channel .
7 The kiss was a fierce , stormy possession , making her head swim and bringing with it the realisation that it would take no effort at all to become seriously attracted to this man !
8 Breakfast was difficult , bringing with it the aroma of kippers and the sight of poached eggs quivering on plates , but by the time our lunch flask was delivered , people were perking up and looking forward to the task ahead .
9 Bangladesh 's first ever democratic elections in February this year promised a freer media environment bringing with it the relaxation of curbs on communication activities by Christians and other minority faith groups ( see Action March/April 1991 ) , but the political situation has changed very little leaving Christian writers and publishers in a vulnerable position .
10 The short term sees the challenge of full entry into the European market bringing with it the prospect of intensive economic competition .
11 But if anything , the rate may already be too high , bringing with it the danger that it will not only remove excess demand , but push the economy into recession .
12 Or the awareness may arrive in a sudden moment of revelation , one vivid encounter bringing with it the perception of blackness .
13 A slight breeze was blowing from the left , bringing with it the stench of a dead bloated cow that was lying against the five-bar gate leading to a field .
14 Their one common denominator is tap , and as the lessons go by we are drawn into their lives , finally sharing with them the triumph of their first public performance !
15 This involves helping the patient develop alternative and less self-blaming ideas about how other people behave towards her , and examining with her the origins and validity of her underlying sense of worthlessness .
16 She hid in the silent , stony rooms and watched Tallis secretly when the woman came into the castle , dragging with her the body of a man .
17 The complication has been that because last year 's trading profits were lower than expected we did n't have any taxable profits against which to claim back this A C T so as this would be the first year in which taxable profits would arise unless we 'd not been unless we 'd been able to find some other way of dealing with it the A C T which we pay would not have been recoverable till January ninety five .
18 While this exchange was going on , Rodrigo had allowed certain of his men to desert to the other side , taking with them the story that El Cid was about to escape by night through one of the passes .
19 Now the staff at St Tigglywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire are preparing to come to the rescue , taking with them the experience and expertise to deal with sick creatures of the sea .
20 The helicopter pilot appeared , then flew off , taking with him the photos I had brought to aid identification .
21 Why did n't I go home to my own country taking with me the sheet which bore the stains of my virginity .
22 When I leave my newfound sanctuary , I will remain calm and peaceful within , taking with me the gifts I have been given .
23 An icy blast of air hit Dad full in the face , taking with it the matches , ash and fag-ends and strewing them over his head and chest .
24 In London the Ronan Point tower block collapsed , taking with it the certainties of high-rise technocratic change of the early 1960s .
25 We are enormously fortunate as our Chairman said in his video presentation , erm , to have such devoted , loyal and committed staff , and I think you can see that in the quality of the work which comes out of N C V O and the way in which it it moves forward , always , sort of , going towards er er taking with it the members .
26 An effort by $500m-a-year semiconductor maker Micron Technology Inc to develop its own 64-bit superscalar single-chip RISC processor has floundered , taking with it the subsidiary built a year ago to house it .
27 The most likely outcome seems to be that the black hole will just disappear , at least from our region of the universe , taking with it the astronaut and any singularity there might be inside it , if indeed there is one .
28 One by one the members of the crowd trickled out into the fĂȘte , carrying with them the news of Phipps 's death .
29 When the Civil War broke out , Taylor joined the King at Oxford , carrying with him the manuscript of his first book , Episcopacy Asserted .
30 The suppression of to has the effect of leaving no distance between the request and the action requested so that the actualization of the request is represented as carrying with it the realization of what is asked .
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