Example sentences of "[v-ing] that at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was , however , nothing so dramatic or pompous-merely a statement revealing that at that time the question of my succession to Macmillan had simply not crossed my mind .
2 Grey silts on the valley floor contain the abundant remains of salt marsh plants suggesting that at that time this was a shallow inlet of the sea .
3 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
4 Evidence is growing that at local level when long term nursing care is necessary patients or their relatives are being pressurised to accept care in private nursing homes .
5 It is worth noting that at this stage the plaintiffs were in possession of no details other than the bare figures in the accounts .
6 Some candidates leave the examination room complaining that at one stage they remembered a case , but later forgot to cite it .
7 I was expecting that at any minute Mum would shout down to find out what was going on but she must have been preoccupied , trying on her new frock .
8 The hurricane-lamp was placed about twenty feet in front and pumped up to maximum brilliance while we lay sweating and mosquito-bitten in the shadows , fingering our cameras and the trigger of our temperamental Sun Gun , expecting that at any moment a curious snake would be drawn to the light from the shadows behind us , rather than from the cave ahead .
9 Motorola Inc says it is now shipping the 40MHz version of the 68040 in volume , claiming that at 41.8 VAX MIPS , Motorola , it runs faster than the 50MHz version of the full 80486 from Intel Corp .
10 Motorola Inc announced yesterday that it is now shipping the 40MHz version of the 68040 in volume , claiming that at 41.8 VAX MIPS , Motorola , it runs faster than the 50MHz version of the full 80486 from Intel Corp.The 40MHz 68040 is $393 for 1,000 or more .
11 I think , I think I would , having moved the recommendation would seek to clarify what we 're asking the Government to reconsider , erm , because we 're not saying what they should come up with as a new policy , but I think we could add the words , for capital investment , at the end of the motion , recognising that at one level of government , central government it has been the practice in the past , er when they had some capital they could sell in the form of British Telecom shares and er , indeed other nationalised industries , er not to use the er the results erm , er release this realised by that capital disposal for capital investment , instead to use it for revenue purposes , which was in the long term somewhat unfortunate .
12 ‘ Is there anywhere near here where we could get some bread and cheese ? ’ asked Breeze , thinking that at this moment she could eat a dog-biscuit with gusto .
13 This creates a conflict for them because , although they want to be stroked and petted like any other domestic cat , they are deeply suspicious of the hand that does the petting , fearing that at any moment it may grab them and hold them down .
14 What else could she do but go on , fearing that at any moment he would realize she 'd tricked him ?
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