Example sentences of "[v-ing] he [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite , realistically , plenty of opportunity , there is no illicit sex between Nicholas and Alison until the pleasure of their union can be enhanced by Nicholas truly having replaced John by tricking him into a contrived " absence " .
2 Nevertheless , it looks very much as if he was able to help young Ben out a bit : probably by employing him as a commercial traveller in his own drapery business .
3 He had dreamed about Mr Whistle , picturing him as a child-sized man in a Little Lord Fauntleroy outfit , with floppy velvet bows and knickerbockers , his head a white eggshape , featureless but for a shark 's gash of a mouth .
4 He set the bowl down , then lifted the boy gently , cradling him in a half-sitting position .
5 A furtive junior diplomat bowing and scraping his way out of the interview section of the Lefortovo , ogling the KGB man and thanking him for a fifteen-minute access to a prisoner for whom the key was now thrown far away .
6 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
7 He could feel his strength returning ; could feel the brandy coursing through his veins , filling him with a warm glow .
8 That morning , as he galloped along the ride between the trees in the Tiergarten , his horse 's hooves kicked up the powdered snow filling him with a fierce joy .
9 DAVE BASSETT last night thanked old pal Bobby Gould for saving him from a possible FA rap .
10 It was gone in a trice , saving him from a terrible thrashing or many long hours standing in disgrace .
11 It is Sergeant Eddie Grant at the RMP Control Room , warning him of a possible major problem in the Soviet Sector .
12 A previously unknown organization calling itself the Organization for the Defence of the Rights of Prisoners and Detainees had issued a statement claiming responsibility for Leyraud 's abduction , describing him as a French intelligence officer and threatening that he would be executed if another hostage was released .
13 There too a twenty year old who has managed to kick a habit that was leading him down a dangerous path .
14 But it was the unanimous view of the board that it manifested contempt towards the divinity of Christ by presenting him as a living man , not a symbol , and as the object of overt sexual passion .
15 They introduced Mr Parretti to CLBN in 1987 , presenting him as a potential investor in their company .
16 The family continued to play a significant part in Anglo-French affairs : in January 1317 , Jean , sire de Fiennes , wrote to Edward II as his loyal vassal in Ponthieu , informing him of a rumoured scheme for the partition of the kingdom of France on the death of Louis X. His motive was not entirely altruistic , for Fiennes was a chief ally and supporter of the rebellious Robert of Artois , and hoped for English aid in the form of ships with which to enter Calais and St Omer .
17 Wizz Jones began his musical career fronting a country and skiffle band in his home town of Croydon , Surrey in 1958 , and has been an established member of the British and European acoustic folk/blues scene ever since , with artists like Eric Clapton citing him as a major influence .
18 Behind him , lightning flared , turning him into a stark silhouette against the windows ; flooding the reception with white light .
19 She did not try to soothe him , but she took him away from Skid Row , pulling him into a kingsize bed with freshly-laundered sheets .
20 As he stared down at his half-empty glass Billy became aware of Freddie watching him closely and he looked up at the schemer suddenly , fixing him with a cold stare .
21 ‘ He died cursing your father for trapping him into a loveless marriage , ’ he growled .
22 Only it seems they was callin' him by a different name , or names even .
23 Physically , he was n't her type at all , she thought , subjecting him to a critical mental review .
24 ‘ I ca n't see any sense in subjecting him to a hard race in the Gold Cup when I know that his blood has been wrong , ’ he explained .
25 The bastards were kicking him like a fucking dog .
26 There was n't much he could do about Preston except shout abuse across the garden fence at his nan while she was putting the washing out , but he managed to persuade her it would be a mistake sending him to a Catholic school .
27 His parents were not affluent but they pumped what money they had into his education , sending him to a private school , Edinburgh 's Merchiston .
28 The world is not altogether reformed by cheap tours , nor is the inherent vulgarity of the British Philistine going to be eradicated by sending him with a through ticket and a bundle of hotel coupons to Egypt and the Holy Land …
29 In addition , registration operates to protect the security holder by providing him with a certain degree of protection as to the validity and priority of his charge once it is registered ; this in turn benefits the company by enabling it to give the chargee the guarantee of such protection .
30 He had the writer laid out , face down with his baggy trousers around his knees , on a marble-topped kitchen table , and was anally violating him with a large , unwashed carrot .
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