Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pn reflx] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He has carried on the good work this term and is well on the way to establishing himself in the top 10 with 16 wins in the current campaign .
2 Computervision Corp so wants to put its sad ownership by Prime Computer Inc behind it that it is remaking itself in the pure computer-aided design software image of the company Prime acquired as quickly as it can .
3 Others looted the communion plate from the church , mockingly dressing themselves in the despised Anglican vestments , before that building , too , caught fire , bringing the walls crashing to the ground .
4 Thus , a number of professors of English and other influential educationalists were addressing themselves in the altered postwar environment to the issue of the disciplinary revisions required in order to produce " enlightened " bureaucrats , administrators , and teachers .
5 The cause of British nurses and nursing itself in the 1980s has been championed most consistently by Trevor Clay .
6 In a sharp exchange through the media on Oct. 12-13 Poltoranin accused Khasbulatov , who had called for his resignation , of " surrounding himself in the Supreme Soviet apparatus with exiles from the former party structures " .
7 In the event he stayed there for six years , immersing himself in the special atmosphere of rural Ireland which he found greatly sympathetic .
8 He 's been interesting himself in the new C.O. , Brenda Pridmore .
9 A sport 's first concern , Pascoe says , should be its own development and that means presenting itself in the best possible way .
10 WILLIAMS : Sir , the French Telemachus , for I am about perfecting myself in the French tongue .
11 The hackers were surpassing themselves in the inventive ways they hit the ball badly , and often , and in the wrong direction .
12 The hot Cyprus autumn moved from one week to the next , and Zacco prepared for his forthcoming triumph by installing himself in the moated citadel built by his great-grandfather at Sigouri , ten miles west of the besieged Famagusta .
13 She had been out of prison for two months and was in the process of re-establishing herself in the outside world .
14 Whatever course you adopt , you must avoid overstocking the land and overcommitting yourself in the early stages .
15 Keep positioning yourself in the correct line while turning your own centre-line towards the opponent .
16 He called again that evening , burying himself in the hurrying crowds in the centre of Luton .
17 He was losing himself in the grey surf of her eyes , his heart threatening to smother him with its frenzied pounding .
18 She set to work with a vengeance , losing herself in the difficult task of making all those fiercely vivid images of him that were swirling around in her head tangible .
19 This use of diagrams enables students both to find their way around a text without losing themselves in the irrelevant detail of intensive reading , and also to identify parts without having to name them .
20 Apart from involving herself in the thick of the action , Rosemary spends a lot of time giving public talks , raising funds for both the Jubilee Sailing Trust and the training of dogs for the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf scheme .
21 We were grateful that skilful programming precluded any of us from finding ourselves in the wrong session !
22 And finding himself in the musical cauldron that was Minneapolis at the turn of the '80s must have helped …
23 And the Northern Ireland International surprisingly finding himself in the clear twice already in the first five minutes , although that was er obviously not a chance .
24 Over the next decade a succession of ‘ Aldwych farces ’ would run for at least 200 performances each , and some for many more : A Cuckoo in the Nest ( 1925 ) , Rookery Nook ( 1926 ) , Thark ( 1928 ) , and Plunder ( 1928 ) alone occupied the years from 1925 to 1929 , and to them all Lynn would bring his own unique brand of wistful stooging : essentially he was the Stan Laurel [ q.v. ] to the much more bluff Hardy of Tom Walls , but Lynn 's timing , notably on staircases and when suddenly finding himself in the wrong room with the wrong people and quite often the wrong name , was a lesson in comic technique for generations of stage actors .
25 Some way below the garden a man stood quietly washing himself in the hot water from the spring ; it was channelled down there in a homemade aqueduct of halved bamboo stalks resting on forked twigs .
26 Unfortunately , Meacher was only acting : he was playing himself in the 1985 TV drama Edge of Darkness , which the BBC is repeating .
27 She began to recognise Finn 's idiosyncratic painter 's hand , showing itself in the blossoming horses , the queer , saucer-shaped faces of pig and owl , the speckled peacock glory of the birds , the strained , professional grimaces on the faces of the tumblers , the tight-lipped endeavour on the faces of the hammering men .
28 When Ludovico came back to the apartment with food for lunch and found her stripped to the waist , washing herself in the cracked kitchen sink , he immediately started making love to her , pushing her back until the taps dug into her .
29 Wrapping herself in the pink kimono hanging on the back of the bedroom door , she went softly down the stairs to the kitchen .
30 But I accepted what G.K. Chesterton had put so well in 1911 : ‘ A woman putting up her fists at a man is a woman putting herself in the one position which does not frighten him . ’
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