Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , I was told , providing we did n't mind tucking ourselves away in a converted cow shed .
2 He had no desire to defeat boredom by provoking political excitement and keeping himself constantly at a stretch .
3 The water level drops and then , woosh , up it all comes , first rising like a column — at this stage it looks like a vaguely blue shaggy ink cap toadstool — then blasting itself apart in a flourish of steam .
4 It moved sinuously , dancing round its adversary , thrusting with a slender spear and protecting itself gracefully with a brightly-polished shield .
5 Some plasmids are capable of splicing themselves seamlessly into a chromosome .
6 The knack in dowsing is to be in the right frame of mind , not caring too much what answer you get , but at the same time having a clear idea of what you are looking for , otherwise you are opening yourself up to a very wide ‘ waveband ’ and things will get very confused .
7 Jesus pushed himself off and floated rapidly around the Lift , bringing himself expertly to a stop less than a metre from the slight form of Christine LaFayette .
8 When war breaks out , he becomes separated from his relatives , but manages to survive the war by passing himself off as a German soldier of Aryan origin .
9 Of course , the only way out of his troubles would be to confess to someone that he was passing himself off as a Muslim for the purposes of financial gain .
10 Character statistics play very little part in the proceedings , which is unforgivable for a product passing itself off as a roleplaying game .
11 THE BBC was bracing itself yesterday for a Government onslaught over its election coverage , which many ministers believe was biased against the Conservatives .
12 She found it obnoxious that her son permitted himself a living relationship when , like her , he should be occupying himself exclusively with a dead one .
13 Then pulling himself up to a great height , he went on .
14 I make a crack to some little thin guy in a blazer who is following us up , but we says nothing and stares in front of him like he 's forcing himself forward in a hill-climb .
15 Not trusting her voice , she shook her head , and , pulling herself up into a sitting position , watched him walk away .
16 Pulling herself together with a visible effort , she managed to glare at him .
17 What am I doing , tangling myself up with a girl at a time like this ?
18 When you are pulling yourself out of a swamp you do not consult a road map .
19 Just before coming out , he 'd phoned the health centre and left a message on their answering machine as his first step in getting himself along to a psychiatrist .
20 He was sending himself up to a degree , but it does n't matter .
21 A person who puts his own name on a product , thereby holding himself out as a producer , will be treated as a producer .
22 He would be well advised to insist on a written indemnity in that respect to cover both intentional and accidental holding out , and , as regards the latter , to cover his accidentally holding himself out as a partner so long as that is done in the course of carrying out his duties for and in the interests of the firm .
23 The first is that by positioning himself conspicuously behind a veil , the Resident could leave the population in a state of desirable uncertainty about the degree of influence he actually exercised over their emir : his advice was not seen to be taken , but neither was it seen to be rejected .
24 According to Elm 's sales director , Jim Cooper , the company is positioning itself ahead of a tightening of US food storage laws which is due to take place in the next 18 months .
25 Images of sin , of unwashed bodies locked together in obscene attitudes , apocalyptic denunciations of lust , visions of Else scrubbing herself fiercely in a tin bath , disconnected Bible phrases from his chapel-going youth , coursed through his distracted mind .
26 She was inspired and strengthened by seeing herself not as a passive victim , or a cancer patient , but as an individual working for her own health and well-being .
27 She does n't even like the term actress ( or actor ) , seeing herself more as a performer .
28 She hated herself for that , bringing herself down to a spiteful , vengeful , ‘ woman scorned ’ level .
29 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
30 ‘ Absolutely , ’ he said , flinging himself down into a chair behind it .
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