Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pn reflx] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For allowing ourselves to look at the report and find the actions , and not just the actions themselves .
2 The other meaning uses plastered in the type of structure which we have introduced in the present section ; notice that it allows addition of to be ( and that it is parallel in its overall structure to ( 42 ) where there is a non-finite clause complete with subject , verb and object ) : ( 41 ) Clara wants the façade to be plastered ( 42 ) she wants the builders to plaster the façade Let us also take note of a subtle and rather interesting ambiguity , found in : ( 43 ) Oliver imagined her red-haired This may mean that Oliver is allowing himself to speculate on the effect of , let us say , adding a wig to a blonde lady of his acquaintance ( and this may therefore be called the " cosmetic " version ) ; or he may be trying to build a mental picture of someone he has never met ( the " unacquainted " version ) , in which case imagined could be replaced by supposed with very little alteration in the meaning of the whole .
3 They suggested that the repeated occurrence of similar losses might increase the likelihood of believing oneself to blame for the event .
4 She made small-talk with Amy and Roger Dyson and greeted about fifty more guests before excusing herself to go to the ladies ' room where she met Elaine powdering her nose .
5 Nausea welled up in her ; she fought it down , forcing herself to concentrate on the road , to hang on until she saw the street sign Chemin de la Tourelle .
6 This powerfully confirmed the way in which Tolkien had been accustoming himself to think about the world ever since he grew to manhood .
7 Instinctively she drew back against the damp cellar wall , willing herself to fuse into the crumbling , whitewashed brickwork .
8 In light winds this can still be done by lowering yourself to sit on the board and then pulling on a straight front arm to pull yourself up .
9 The rest of the group had been too busy out enjoying themselves to think about the potential consequences of Leila 's absence .
10 Not being able to fall asleep and not allowing oneself to move in the marital bed .
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