Example sentences of "[v-ing] [been] [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 Still in use in the ‘ seventies ’ this type of Credit is now largely defunct having been replaced by a plethora of banking ‘ products ’ such as Travellers Cheques , EuroCheques and Credit & Charge Cards .
2 system , there was a circular hole with red glass in the right hand one , the large oil lantern used at Gravesend , having been replaced by a hinged opening vent .
3 It is open to the double objection of having been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by pressure through her husband and without independent advice , and of having been obtained by a husband from his wife by pressure and concealment of material facts .
4 It is open to the double objection of having been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by pressure through her husband and without independent advice , and of having been obtained by a husband from his wife by pressure and concealment of material facts .
5 Lewis , having been missed by a diving Moin after edging Akram , was yorked comprehensively at the other end .
6 The granting of peerages to former politicians , chiefs of the defence staff and so on has the effect of enhancing the status of those whose only achievement in life is having been engendered by a privileged set of loins .
7 At present , however , the festivities seem light years away , having been eclipsed by a fiscal crisis of mammoth proportions .
8 Having been formalized by a drafting commission , the proposals were resubmitted to the Congress for final approval on April 5 , when 608 votes were cast in favour and 228 against , with 100 abstentions .
9 Second , there is personal experience of homoeopathy through having been treated by a homoeopathic doctor , or through having had a member of the family so treated , and being impressed by the results .
10 This may be the fact of their having been enacted by a specific body , or their long customary practice , or their relation to judicial decisions .
11 General Schwarzkopf , summing up the overall result on 27 February , described the rout of the Iraqi army as having been achieved by a ‘ flanking manoeuvre , trapping thousands of its troops ’ .
12 ( b ) Holding outsalaried partners In the United Bank of Kuwait case no particular consideration was given to the consequences of the undertaking having been given by a salaried partner .
13 In the period 1 January 1988 to 30 June 1991 , 2 , 370 in-patient discharges were admitted as emergencies having been assaulted by a cutting or piercing instrument .
14 The object of this sort of servants ' hall talk is invariably some butler who has come to the fore quite suddenly through having been appointed by a prominent house , and who has perhaps managed to pull off two or three large occasions with some success .
15 When I entered the Winter Gardens he was emerging surrounded by an hysterical crowd , having been greeted by a demonstration described to me by a hostile witness as ‘ reminiscent of a Nuremberg Rally ’ .
16 No document of the period so cogently illustrates the swift descent into infidelity as does the semi-autobiographical novel of Samuel Butler ( 1835- 1902 ) , in which the hero , Ernest Pontifex , having been advised by a free-thinker to study the differing accounts of the resurrection in the four Gospels , finds that he can not reconcile the discrepancies .
17 The Butler Education Act , designed to open higher education still further to the poor and unconnected , was not post-war , having been approved by a coalition government in 1944 ; and the new novelists can not have owed their years at Oxford to R. A. Butler , since they were all undergraduates there before that year .
18 ‘ It is entirely up to you whether you can gradually raise yourself to the highest position of eminence ever achieved by a musician … whether you choose to leave this world having been ensnared by a skirt , forced to lie on straw and shut up with an attic-full of starving children , or whether , after a Christian life , you go full of satisfaction , honour and glory , your family well provided for , and your name revered by all . ’
19 He understood , he said , that the groom had been attacked earlier , in Toronto , when he foiled the kidnapping of a horse , but he had insisted on making the journey nevertheless , having been bandaged by a Miss Richmond .
20 Elizabeth Mowbray having been informed by a servant of Bess Halidon 's demise , had sent Joan a formal but kindly letter of condolence .
21 Even so , the result of the tournament was conclusive : Kustow 's champion had triumphed five-nil , two of those games having been won by a margin of more than twenty stones .
22 Students were to be taken in as boarders , having been recommended by a respectable person who knew them or their families .
23 Animals give the appearance of having been designed by a theoretically sophisticated and practically ingenious physicist or engineer , but there is no suggestion that the bats themselves know or understand the theory in the same sense as a physicist understands it .
24 The bridge is now used only by pedestrians , having been superseded by a new road bridge in 1958 .
25 One can still see this triumph of Brindley 's engineering skill , though it is now disused , having been superseded by a second tunnel , parallel with the first , which was constructed by Telford in 1827 .
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