Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] of [art] way " in BNC.

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1 The drivers had the hardest job , concentrating on holding their positions and keeping out of the way of the front and rear gunners .
2 After that , since she now spent as much time as possible on deck keeping out of the way of her cousins , with whom she felt a constraint , Ruth saw the woman for several days in a row .
3 Probably Dizzy 's gang , keeping out of the way in case the sight of others working made them feel weak .
4 Gilbert somewhere behind , keeping out of the way , trembling with fear .
5 The demand may be advertised in one or more newspapers if the demand is for payment of a sum due under a judgment or order and the creditor knows or believes that the debtor has absconded or is keeping out of the way with a view to avoiding service and there is no real prospect of the debt being recovered by any enforcement action .
6 If the court is satisfied ( by affidavit or other evidence ) that prompt personal service can not be effected because the debtor is keeping out of the way so as to avoid service , it may order substituted service in such manner as it thinks fit .
7 So by keeping out of the way and staying at sea he hoped to put himself right .
8 A lot of erm them , cos erm we 're up , we 're in the upper sort of thing , we 're in the upstairs in a form room , so when we walk downstairs to erm down to a lesson they come barging up there and pushing out of the way !
9 He reached the top of the bank , lizards scattering out of the way in front of him .
10 Dodging out of the way , she said meekly , ‘ I 'll go and get the wine . ’
11 A dark giant of a man , possibly Tonio , leaned out of the lorry 's cabin to thank them for pulling out of the way .
12 By moving out of the way , we 'll be giving them a clear run .
13 I was just moving out of the way .
14 Therefore if I move my hand down there , poor Ted , he 's shifting out of the way , God knows what he imagines I 'm going to do , there we are , rather stiff , but there she goes , I think .
15 There is a connotation to leadership that needs perhaps getting out of the way .
16 Privatization means giving businesses the chance to flourish ; the process of deregulation means the Government getting out of the way .
17 ‘ Do you mind getting out of the way while I serve the lady , ’ he stormed .
18 The bay youngster ( centre ) is getting out of the way ; behind him a bay mare with turned-back ears , a tight mouth and flattened tail is also trying to back away , but she 's blocked by the grey mare , who is more interested in the camera .
19 Still I got all the washing and ironing out of the way thank goodness , it 's not bad now is it ?
20 He was taken from behind by two men who pinioned his arms and pitched forward into the room , the young man darting out of the way to allow his saviours to smash Huy against the wall in his turn .
21 Walkers would find themselves diving out of the way on paths , escaping from runaway mountain bikes careering towards them on a mission to deposit their riders in a ditch .
22 . With this little foreman threatening fists and everybody running out of the way of the brickwork .
23 She apologized for skulking out of the way so shamelessly , she thanked me for saving the life of their beloved dog who was now prancing around with the children as though nothing had happened , and she finished with the regret that she had n't even asked me my name .
24 Less comforting for the chicks was her habit of scratching violently backwards with one foot after the other , which often sent the babies hurtling out of the way like fluffy ping-pong balls .
25 Well having had chance to peruse the weekend papers and read the various match reports on the game I can only say that the season better end quickly so we can get the scum worshipping out of the way as quickly as possible .
26 Well having had chance to peruse the weekend papers and read the various match reports on the game I can only say that the season better end quickly so we can get the scum worshipping out of the way as quickly as possible .
27 Noctuid moths and tiger moths respond by closing their wings and plummeting from the sky , or somersaulting out of the way .
28 There was one teacher who used to get so mad that she would throw slates around , with the whole class ducking out of the way .
29 With home shopping out of the way , Pitcher will be able to concentrate on the football pools and high street retailing .
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