Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the world " in BNC.

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1 In an effortless manner the 33-year-old Portuguese woman had practically swept all before her since bouncing on to the world stage in 1982 .
2 I am looking down on the world , but it does not stretch away over nebulous distant horizons .
3 Lady Bell wrote of women in Middlesbrough in 1907 being ‘ curiously devoid of public spirit or interest in outside affairs ’ , and some 40 years later , Slater and Woodside described their female respondents as looking out on the world from their homes ‘ as from a beleaguered fortress ’ .
4 Or — and this thought only occurred to me when I was out on the street and running for the hill as fast as I could — as if there was something else behind his eyes , looking out at the world , waiting for the awful moment when it would start to take apart our little corner of the planet , piece by shabby piece .
5 Ever since that time , there has been going on throughout the world a series of struggles which have ranged from very minor quarrels at one extreme , to the uttermost ferocity of human warfare at the other .
6 Nature , produced by Robin Hellier , has a lot of pace as did Horizon 's The Geneva event ( BBC2 , 24 January ) What the latter did not have was much patience with the aspirant but relatively unlearned student of what is going on in the world of high energy physics The main Geneva event — the identification of the W subatomic particle which , with the Z , will enable the theory that the four fundamental forces of nature can be unified within a single framework to be sustained — has yet to be announced , though it is believed imminent Horizon had been patiently filming for four years .
7 So what is going on in the world of higher education today ?
8 That does n't mean you disregard adult commitments and disregard that there is some really shitty stuff going on in the world right now .
9 It is almost as if Big Brother begrudges us our pleasures and has decided to make us realise there are other things going on in the world other than cricket .
10 I am as aware as anyone of the changes going on in the world .
11 ‘ I never knew there was so much going on in the world , ’ she said to John one day .
12 People often say they are confused by what is going on in the world ; it no longer seems to make sense .
13 It 's wonderful , is n't it , when trades have trade papers that can help them understand what is really going on in the world .
14 and find out what 's going on in the world .
15 I like to think that I share a love of the World Service and an interest in it with Mr. Gorbachev , who gave it one of the best unsolicited testaments that anyone could when he said that while being held prisoner he heard about what was going on in the world by listening to the World Service .
16 He had known she was old but she had been so full of vitality , and interested in all the things going on in the world , that her death was a shock .
17 be aware of what 's going on in the world in terms of not just employment but further o opportunities .
18 But if you think about it in contemporary terms I I was giving a lecture in London er a couple of weeks ago erm on the subject of erm America 's changing foreign policy under Clinton if you just think about foreign policy making and who makes it , and questions of consistency and you think about some of the crises that are going on in the world from Bosnia and so on what does the constitution tell us ?
19 I mean I think there 's the same problem with children in a sense , I mean , you you talking about confronting them with the realities of the world and I suppose I perhaps if we if we did expose ourselves to the erm to the true meaning of what 's going on in the world , we could n't handle it psychologically without stopping it , without doing something about it .
20 But it can hardly be argued that either carbonate or coal measure deposition is going on around the world today in anything like the way it has in the past .
21 200 students paid 2 pounds each to hear the Foreign Secretary talk about what he calls the soul searching and introspection going on around the world .
22 But more to the point she also hopes her children will be able to get a good education before heading off into the world .
24 Going up in the world .
25 The U.S. Open Champion is one of seven golfers who earned in excess of $1 million in the 12 months leading up to the World Series of Golf at the end of August .
26 They do not see women going out into the world and doing .
27 They were going out into the world though none of them knew quite where until it was announced in public at their Commissioning Service it , the Albert Hall .
28 It 's early days but if the injury hung around and I thought that pulling out of the world championships was a necessary course of action to prevent more serious problems , I 'd do it without hesitation . ’
29 The slowing down in the world industrial economy in the 1970s changed the whole environment in which many firms worked .
30 Volcanos will start popping off around the world throwing up tonnes of dust .
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