Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A puff of wind swung it round on its vane , and snatched a bunch of twigs from its beak and sent them twirling slowly down the steeple to the ground at Carol 's feet , where they sank into the snow .
2 I shall have flown into who knows whose airport , or I 'll be sleeping on a ship steaming slowly out the English Channel , or I 'll be dead and rigid on a lonely piece of ground .
3 Philip ran down the bracken bank to the gate and watched him run down the field to Mrs Wright who was walking slowly down the field .
4 He blinked his pale grey eyes , took a careless look around himself before walking smartly up the driveway to Roirbak 's complex , an array of wafer-thin data cards — the discerning burglar 's equivalent of a crowbar — ready to hand .
5 what by walking quickly up the kitchen and into the hall .
6 But he ignored them , leaping straight up the spiral to his father 's room .
7 One of the Twins appeared , climbing languidly down the poles of some scaffolding .
8 The conclusion that there was not going to be any hit him at the same time as Rincewind , whirring wildly down the passage , kicked him sharply in the groin .
9 In the process she had made a lightning circumnavigation of the British Isles and was now steaming hard down the west coast while we returned by the eastern route .
10 One can visualise these gentlemen each with a candle or dim lantern , perhaps totally unused to situations like that , climbing fearfully up the ladders , hard on each others heels , taking comfort from the nearness of each other and climbing awkwardly with the lights they carried which would cast but a feeble glow about them .
11 They were walking steadily up the strath , past Castle Menzies , looking unreal in its composed beauty under early Sunday sunshine , past the close-built cottages and huts of Dull which looked like scree left by a spate , heaped-up boulders , shaggy heather thatch , dykes built recently with field stones and already falling down .
12 It was sad and harrowing discovery for the Kazakh North-East ridge expedition — winding the clock back a decade to the tragic events of the morning of May 17 , 1982 and two tiny figures climbing steadily up the North-East ridge of Everest .
13 The organ started to play and Ianthe 's attention was diverted by the entry of the preacher , so that she did not notice John walking quietly up the aisle and slipping into the pew behind her .
14 Throughout his career he has captured the magic and the frustration of Scottish football , darting arrogantly down the wing in a surge of skill then retreating into a shell of indifference .
15 His fingers were spanning her tiny waist , smoothing inexorably up the fabric of her bodice , shaping over the curves where her breasts swelled out like ripe melons ready for him to taste .
16 The next thing I knew I was looking straight up the barrel of this gun because the Fairey Fox was no more than 12ft away from the cabin and the pilot was very annoyed .
17 It was the sort of weapon that you saw John Wayne wielding so well and twisting round his finger , but I did not like the idea of this thing which I was looking straight up the barrel of .
18 It is organizationally unidirectional , filtering fitfully up the management hierarchy , irrespective of the extent to which it is attuned to the current preoccupations of senior management .
19 So I got out the car and I went over and I , turned it down , as it were turning down I saw it was n't pouring just out the tap , it was also pouring from the
20 She insists that even with the provisions of such a charter the idea ‘ can only work out in reality if both partners , in fact , share [ the childcare ] , because there is not much point in allowing women the opportunity of going further up the ladder if they continue to have almost sole responsibility for childcare . ’
21 You know little kids coming out of school and going straight on the road .
22 Job cuts are already being made and newly-qualified nurses are going straight on the dole .
23 She stopped a few feet away , so that she was hidden by the curtains , and fixed her gaze unblinkingly on the long black Mercedes that was heading sedately up the driveway .
24 He ignored Fiver , who was waiting farther down the run .
25 I was inching carefully down the south bank of Dam Pool , covering every possible lie , when a good trout rose behind me .
26 Then , at a signal , they began , moving slowly down the estuary , a thin cloud — colourless , like fine powdered snow — drifting down behind them .
27 Soon one could ignore it , except now and then when the fire seemed to take a huge breath and glowed with a sudden fierceness which sent sparks flying crazily up the chimney .
28 Above : Drifting slowly up the reef wall , curious fish surround a diver .
29 She looked across the hall and visibly relaxed as she saw a man moving swiftly down the staircase .
30 AT the same time , he delivers the ball with his front ( right ) foot pointing straight down the pitch while the other foot trails back towards his bowling mark .
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