Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] up [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just my personal assistant bringing me up to date on some business matters , ’ he added dismissively as he walked over to the other side of the bed , picking up his slim gold watch from a small table .
2 Hence philosophical analysis can and must proceed by erm philosophical thinking must proceed by analysis , by breaking down complex wholes into their simple parts and building them up by construction out of these simple parts , a conviction to which Russell remained true for the rest of his life .
3 Our prime purpose is to glorify God in reaching men and women for Christ , building them up in Christ , and sending them out for Christ .
4 But , George is off Monday and Tuesday but so if you were getting them , sitting here and bringing them up on Thursday John can come here and get his tea here and then take them home .
5 I just want to say a big THANK YOU to the organisers and correspondents for keeping me up to date with the progress of THE WHITES this season .
6 Nonesuch reverts to its old function , keeping the University as a whole together , telling graduates what is going on in their old alma mater , and keeping them up to date with what their contemporaries are doing .
7 General practitioners have also found intensive courses in diabetes helpful in keeping them up to date and improving their clinical skills .
8 Yes , I believe that 's about getting pe , getting the lists of order , keeping them up to date erm .
9 Certainly , the best hope for more political freedom in some countries lies in opening them up through trade ; that is why America would be unwise to refuse China favourable trading terms ( see page 54 ) .
10 keeping you up to date with what 's happening at home and around the world .
11 Has n't Mrs Abberley been keeping you up to date ? ’
12 I just worry , as usual , that I shall be mopping you up for months to come . ’
13 She was shaking again , the image of the cat 's disembowelled corpse twisting her up with revulsion .
14 Alain was getting quite hot under the collar and Dieter seemed to be winding him up on purpose . ’
15 so that the client can see that you 're keeping it up to date .
16 Whether you I mean a the problem with that is keeping it up to date on
17 The reason for storing data and keeping it up to date is to provide information to managers for decisions .
18 I have great difficulty in picking them up with binoculars , but with × 7 I find that the best method is to start at the Delta-Epsilon pair and then proceed to Lambda ( 3.8 ) ; M12 forms a triangle with Lambda and Epsilon .
19 Always out for a laugh , I mentioned that his volumes of ‘ free verse ’ were costing me up to $2. per copy , and he promised to send me his next book .
20 Once he hummed a snatch of song , which was something about hunting Humans for the Fidchell and about turning them on spits and serving them up as Manpie .
21 If the bride or groom or their families or ancestors are famous , it might be worth your while looking them up in Who 's Who , and similar reference works , of which there are many editions covering authors , scientists , theatrical personages , and royalty .
22 In fact , Johnny 's not picking me up from school again tonight .
23 No he 's picking you up at night
24 I 'm picking him up after lunch . ’
25 After the scourging the soldiers mocked Jesus by dressing him up in purple , the royal colour , and giving him a crown of thorns and a reed for a sceptre .
26 She has created pop 's answer to Barbarella , dressing her up in clothes fit for a material girl .
27 She sat up in a kind of horror , her feelings filling her up with shame .
28 I am living it up with Survage at the Coq d'Or .
29 But Chapman accepted that the short , stocky James was one of football 's great characters , an outstanding individualist who liked to do things his own way , like living it up at West End night clubs until the early hours .
30 Turn on the radio and on every station The Eagles are ‘ Living it up at de Hotel California ’ .
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