Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However the use of radio and TV wave frequencies for transmitting programmes from the earth is rivalrous .
2 Ian then set Jo 's hair using the Pin-curl technique and styled it using products from the Schwarzkopf Silhouette professional range .
3 A melodic four-bar line using notes from the E mixolydian mode ( E , F♯ , G♯ , A , B , C♯ , D ) .
4 For books he had two by Maurice Sendak , the Skeleton one , and a well-worn 108 Pinocchio using pictures from the film .
5 Coun. John Watson told town councillors that Darlington health authority was using funds from the R. T. Richardson Trust for health care outside Teesdale while residents were forced to fund raise to keep open the hospital .
6 Access is also to be extended to Eastern Europe , using funds from the Community 's PHARE programme under a separate contract between the EC and PTT Telecom : Poland , Hungary , Czech and Slovak Republics , Bulgaria and Romania are to be connected into the system .
7 The state 's expanding role threatened capitalist development by drawing funds from the sector of production for profit into the state sector .
8 We had heard from Werner Meyer that the Toraja custom of burying their dead in high vaults began only a few hundred years ago when Bugis raiding parties from the lowlands began pillaging their burial sites for the booty interred with the corpses , and as recently as 1964 an army general stationed on the island had led his army on similar raids .
9 He was not , in fact , the first to work with the Longhorns : a blacksmith named Welby living on the borders of Leicestershire and Derbyshire had been attempting systematic improvement of the type using animals from the Derbyshire herd of Sir Thomas Gresley of Drakelow House , Burton-on-Trent ( a herd which by 1720 was already uniform and impressively well matched for shape and colour ) , and a Mr Webster of Canley , near Coventry , bred animals from the same herd with stock from Westmorland and Lancashire .
10 If I start accepting funds from the government , people will lose that charitable ideal that I want to leave behind me when I 'm gone . ’
11 While in most cases this will be unnecessary for pupils , it may initially be an advantage for the school librarian or teacher for producing lists from the database .
12 But we can all do our bit to eliminate polluting products from the market .
13 The campaign was fought for long periods with all the strategic sense of an exhausted boxer launching haymakers from the ropes .
14 He probably learned his surveying skills from the land surveyor , Thomas Clerke , to whom he was assistant by 1589 , and possibly in 1587 , and continued as such until Clerke 's death in 1602 .
15 Kirton spent a year as an All Black selector when Hart was out of favour and now seems embroiled in a television commentary career which largely involves tearing strips from the referee and running a one-man coaching clinic at the same time .
16 In acquiring privileges from the papacy this was very frequently one that was given a very significant place .
17 In particular , the period from 1929 to 1931 , when the PCF was dominated by the unrelentingly sectarian leadership of Barbe and Celor , seemingly obsessed with the sole task of eliminating deviationists from the party line , with all the catastrophic consequences that this entailed ( reduced party membership , loss of electoral support , reduced sales of L'Humanite ) , represents a dark period in the history of the party itself .
18 The House had radically amended the bill in April 1990 by lifting almost all restrictions on off-duty political activity , but the version passed in the Senate — by 67 votes to 30 on May 10 — retained prohibitions against running for partisan political office or soliciting funds from the public .
19 Climbing the 60 , narrow , twisting steps from the nave to the ringing chamber left me worn out — but when I staggered through the door the chamber was packed .
20 Upmarket chef Anton Mosimann has created a special dinner incorporating ingredients from the rainforest ( vegetarian ? ) as part of the Friends of the Earth Rainforest Festival , which will also include a fashion show .
21 The MSc has been given research rating and priority weighting , which assists students in gaining scholarships from the E.S.R.C .
22 If the purpose of the law is to protect women from acts of sexual intercourse to which they have not in fact consented , whether by reason of force actually applied , physical or other threat , or fear induced by the accused or by others , then the relevant question would appear to be : Did this particular woman , in these particular circumstances , submit to this particular man ; or did she in fact freely consent to have intercourse with him ? … if the law deems the woman to have consented to the act despite ample evidence of threats which rendered her submissive but non-consenting , then the law can not be said to be serving its true function of protecting individuals from the imposition of non-consensual sexual intercourse . ’
23 The cut-ups , they believed , allowed new voices to arise from the text , revealing messages from the future .
24 We saw that the storm had changed a lot of things as soon as we came to the river that marks the end of the island ; it had swollen hugely , carving immense channels out of the sand , great surging brown trenches of water streaming by and tearing lumps from the banks continually and sweeping them away .
25 In September it was revealed that the government was soliciting comments from the opposition parties on the election process .
26 ‘ . The report concluded with the girl denying suggestions from the defence that ‘ she was a willing sexual partner , and made-up the story because of fears about her parent 's reaction ’ .
27 Returning ships from the Falklands brought much detail about the campaign that should have been the stuff of correspondent 's reports in a democratic society .
28 The column itself is decorated by a long relief frieze wound round from top to bottom and representing episodes from the Emperor 's Dacian campaigns .
29 A system of mandatory fees was long justified by the RIBA in terms of both protecting architects from the power of clients and ensuring that design standards were maintained by guaranteeing architects a reasonable return for their work .
30 He liked the idea of tricking batsmen from the moment he saw older boys having a go in the nets .
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