Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A key role for the TECs , in this view , will be to keep reminding employers of the lessons of the 1980s .
2 Just as real animators do , we start drawing sketches of the characters with a simple pencil tool .
3 Indeed , even without having to go so far as the Commission of the European Communities did at the hearing in arguing that registration itself already constitutes a form of establishment , it must be observed that in any event registration is a precondition for taking up and pursuing activities in the fisheries sector .
4 It was considered that there was a need for a public authority to play a role in securing access to and observance of the law , where the issues involved justified it , if individuals might otherwise be deterred from bringing cases to the courts because of their complexity , the financial costs involved or for any other reason .
5 The ‘ User 's Guide to LIFESPAN ’ explains how to perform the tasks supported by LIFESPAN , using combinations of the options described here .
6 He strengthened the forces holding the gateway fortresses and initiated the system of rotating units to the forts in succession so that the forces holding these valuable citadels would always be fresh and near to full strength .
7 I wandered on a little further , catching glimpses through the trees of a deep valley and hills beyond .
8 Once the researcher is inside the organisation , there are problems of developing and maintaining relationships with the subjects of study .
9 Maeve Binchy 's gift for drawing readers into the lives of people from small communities , and for describing the evolution of friendships , have won her millions of readers .
10 So anyway , at Khabarovsk we were eating ice-cream — there were always ice-cream sellers on the platform — and I was taking pictures of David and sneaking pictures of the soldiers who were on the platform with us but , unfortunately , they caught us at it .
11 We had heard from Werner Meyer that the Toraja custom of burying their dead in high vaults began only a few hundred years ago when Bugis raiding parties from the lowlands began pillaging their burial sites for the booty interred with the corpses , and as recently as 1964 an army general stationed on the island had led his army on similar raids .
12 Kurt continually espouses the former , dismisses alternative accounts not easily available to us without adequately representing them ( I would be fascinated , for example , to read Willi Bauer 's account of the events of early August 1986 ) , and by doing so stimulates in the sceptical reader nagging doubts about the designs of the text upon us , about the egocentricities of its other emotional pleadings .
13 Preparing good nourishing family meals was made even more difficult when in nineteen forty housewives were asked to contribute cooking utensils for the 'saucepans into Spitfire s' campaign .
14 The revenue from the ivory was used both for personal gain and as a means of channelling funds to the guerrillas .
15 Nearly 100 MPs have signed an early day motion demanding concessions for the pools companies and will vote against the Bill if these are not included .
16 The campaign was fought for long periods with all the strategic sense of an exhausted boxer launching haymakers from the ropes .
17 At a brief opening ceremony , Mandela , speaking partly in Afrikaans , assured the white minority of the population that they " had nothing to fear from the ANC " , expressing the hope that the talks would begin a process of resolving conflicts between the races " through discussion among equals " .
18 He caught Moira when he was signing copies for the children .
19 They found that he was not good in processions , for the curious roll prevented him from keeping ranks like the others .
20 Details and booking forms for the workshops which will be taking place in conjunction with the exhibition can be found on pages 10 and 11 of this issue .
21 She rose to her feet and began returning books to the shelves , her movements oddly uncoordinated .
22 Subjects given extensive pre-training in applying labels to the stimuli learned the motor task more readily than others given little or no pretraining .
23 There are sounds of tinkling bells and subdued , mumbling voices as the monks , sitting in the lotus position on wooden benches , turn the pages of their scripture books .
24 By representing words in the definitions as integers , storage requirements decrease dramatically and efficient sorting routines become easily applicable .
25 For a long time they had led a life of measured grace ; regular sedate walks with their mistress , superb food in ample quantities and long snoring sessions on the rugs and armchairs .
26 People were climbing ladders up the walls , and throwing water on the flames , but the fire was burning more strongly every minute .
27 Becoming godparents to the babies they invested such time and love in would be the ideal answer . ’
28 This delivery note should be used for checking purposes against the goods , and any damage or shortages should be noted .
29 Table 4.1 provides information on trading volumes for the futures and options contracts listed on LIFFE between 1987 and 1990 .
30 Er minding motors outside the Arms and the Bridge Hotel every night , maybe only get sixpence or sevenpence cos there was n't that many cars about at the time .
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