Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] same [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The methods and their paraphernalia are all ‘ stageprops ’ , aids to contacting the same force and channelling the mind in that direction .
2 Using the same pace and gestures , and wearing something of Aunt Tossie 's expression , she scattered measured handfuls of grain before bringing a special handful , with all her warm and kindly thoughts , to the mother bird in her secluded nesting-place , so comfortable , so well-arranged .
3 Dickinson has examined the possibility of determining whether similar brooches have been produced using the same procedure or equipment on the basis of measurement ( 1982 ) .
4 Peptides were synthesized by Cambridge Research Biochemicals , Cheshire , UK using their multiple peptide synthesis service or , subsequently , in Oxford using the same procedure and apparatus .
5 In the latter case the experiment is repeated using the same solvent but a solute of known molar mass .
6 For example , using the same logic and assuming a constant required rate of return , may be defined as follows : .
7 ( Contrast the name ‘ magazine ’ , using the same technology but suggesting a less news-based idea . )
8 In many ways it was the same as the PJC-2 , using the same wing and control surfaces , but the fuselage was narrower and four inches longer .
9 Try using the same number and range of staff that are presently involved in giving nursing care , however it is organised .
10 There would be many more to come when Roger Corman got into his stride in the early Sixties turning out back-to-back movies , using the same set and actors in two weeks or less , with self-imposed budgets of under $30,000 .
11 There are many ways of seeing the same picture and what follows is offered as a useful framework rather than any kind of definitive blueprint .
12 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
13 Another matter worth commenting on is the noticeable disparity in acceptability for the same adjective qualifying the same noun but with the remainder of the phrase varying .
14 But what you 've got to be very careful about is that if you go into a roundabout in that position and you get somebody in that position who is also going the same way and there 's a pinch point there , that 's the danger .
15 These two baselines are not measuring the same behaviour and are next to useless as a comparison .
16 These guys are nudging each other , they go up to her , the music changes , and they 're talking to her , and she says no or whatever , and then the last guy walks up to her , the woman turns round , and she 's been replaced by someone wearing the same dress but she 's really fat .
17 Er sometimes I always laugh I say it 's funny when erm it 's about twenty degrees outside they 're still wearing the same dress and when it 's minus fifteen or ten they 're still wearing the same dress .
18 So , for example , an Orc rider wearing a chainmail shirt and carrying a shield has an armour save of 3+ compared to 4+ for a man wearing the same armour and riding a horse , and 5+ for the same Orc fighting on foot .
19 You end up speaking the same jargon or formulae as the establishment without stopping to think .
20 The second is that two normal observers viewing the same object or scene from the same place will ‘ see ’ the same thing .
21 The area bounded by a parabola is two-thirds of the rectangle having the same base and height .
22 It is worth noting that there are not a few cases where constructions containing postverbal adjectives are equivalent to different structures having the same subject and the same adjectival and verbal properties , but with the former now in ordinary predicative position and the latter replaced by an adverb : ( 61 ) Mario seemed regretful Mario was apparently regretful ( 62 ) the sharks remain dangerous the sharks are still dangerous This is exactly what could have been expected , given structure ( 47 ) .
23 In 1983 , the defendant joined the plaintiff 's company as an employee to write an equivalent program , having the same look and feel , for the BBC computer .
24 The formation of cliques is not unexpected , given the fact that the only things which the residents actually do have in common is that of having the same employer and the same degree of occupational and residential mobility .
25 At first sight it may appear that all the children are doing the same thing but within each group allowance is made for ability and the children follow their own carefully planned programme at their own pace — this is updated regularly .
26 An architecture centre is in danger of doing the same thing and , to that extent , is distinctly against the interests of the membership as a whole .
27 Unfortunately everyone else will be doing the same thing and if one end is blatantly favoured then it is likely to be crowded .
28 And this is happened all over the country , each area are doing the same thing and all of this this er produce this declaration of intent and ask the , the head of the er council to put it to their members and get the support of their members .
29 In another test there was an item involving the same date and time interval but a calendar was provided .
30 The judgment for the plaintiff was upheld by the House of Lords , but Lord Cairns L.C. rested his decision on the ground that the defendant had made a ‘ non-natural use ’ of his land , though he regarded the judgment of Blackburn J. as reaching the same result and said he entirely concurred in it .
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