Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun pl] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 She climbed into the carriage knowing it would perhaps be for the last time ; maintaining the horses and the grooms was a luxury she would have to forgo .
2 The priest made a short speech praising the families and the outstanding simplicity of the wedding feast .
3 The joint venture approach involves a transfer of land direct to new owners from the council , with private developers building the houses and the land profiteering element eliminated .
4 So you must start building the shops and the hotel today .
5 They were from Conway Construction and they were building the shops and the hotel .
6 The outstanding issue is using the resources that the police authority has effectively .
7 For the first two minutes Charlie defended himself well , using the ropes and the corner as he ducked and dived , remembering every skill he had learned at the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
8 My pet bugbears and gripes are all neatly circumvented by Atomstyle using the facilities that the casing offers , and mounting ports direct onto the case wherever possible .
9 It also includes the skills of using books , such as using the contents and the index to track down the topics required .
10 ‘ Peter Brooke should also , ’ he writes , ‘ persuade the Chairman and Chief Executive ( of Channel 4 ) that , even though it may cause them some embarrassment , it is in their interests that they commit themselves fully to telling the public the truth and to assisting the police and the Director of Public Prosecutions . ’
11 You might agree that it 's wasteful that it 's not the best way of channelling the resources but the fact is that the global amount available because of it is much greater than it was and that will be our baseline to start from if they decide to reorganise the money in a different way .
12 In any case she did not know what it was to be and took refuge in the business of drawing the cups and the teapot towards her .
13 Rationalisation — accepting the problems and the high alcohol consumption or drug use but providing alibis : " Next time will be different " .
14 v. Intellectualisation — accepting the problems and the high consumption or drug use but getting heavily involved in analysis of intellectual theories or precise definitions of Chemical Dependency .
15 If in action scenes the surprise of key change often plays a greater role in underlining the words than the actual keys chosen , Campra nonetheless conformed to Lully 's usage and the theorists ’ recommendations in reserving keys with more than one accidental ( other than D major and B♯ major ) for moments of heightened emotion .
16 Embalmers are advised of the protective clothing required both for handling the chemicals and the deceased persons themselves .
17 It is essential that they wash their hands thoroughly before handling the animals and the wearing of surgical gloves and a change of footwear or overshoes should be considered .
18 After the timid The Maggie ( 1953 , High and Dry in US ) , Mackendrick 's Ealing oeuvre culminates in The Ladykillers ( 1955 ) where a gang of bank robbers , masquerading as an unlikely string quartet , engages in a battle of wills with an unutterably sweet and totally irritating landlady , symbol of Ealing 's ( and England 's ) determination not to think about the modern world , smothering the horrors and the nightmares in gentility .
19 ‘ There is one key area in which I hope to have some success over the next year and that is in bringing the clubs and the union closer together ’ .
20 Paul Kent and Wayne Forester … perform a mime and comedy show … bringing the puppets and the cliches to life …
21 People enjoy seeing the gardens and the scenery .
22 And something like two million people have got to stop doing jobs they should never have been doing in the first place , like er polluting the rivers and the soil and the air , and spying on each other and contributing to the overmanning that there is in East Germany .
23 They are accused of polluting the waterways and the soil , uprooting wildlife habitats and destroying the countryside environment by introducing intensive livestock units , fish farms , farm shops and other non-traditional activities .
24 In understanding the parables and the teachings of Jesus , one of the things we 've got to do is to say well what do the various things in the parables , what do they represent ?
25 They would n't include anyone representing the murderers or the bombers , so how could any agreement stick ?
26 He was a bulky man and had been walking the streets and the sweat was running off him .
27 ‘ I am not protecting the Communists or the party , ’ he said , ‘ I am trying to , and I will , protect my sense of myself . ’
28 In both its policies and practices the CNAA was revealing the promises and the tensions of the system .
29 We wondered about Islamic Jihad 's reasons for splitting us up again , keeping the Brits and the Yanks separate .
30 One N , so if we add those up , keeping the numbers and the Ns separate , we get two O two O add that
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