Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A massive 1000 t steel rotor with 10 m long arms could be spun so that the tips moved at 1000 m s -1 , equalling the speed of sound in steel .
2 As he was a very intellectual artist , he was the ideal figure to take over from Metzinger the task of transmitting the principles of Cubism to the other painters ; and since he joined the group at a moment when the movement was striving for greater definition , his influence and importance can not be overestimated .
3 As mentioned earlier , the HMIs took an altogether more sophisticated view of the relationship of education to society and to social change , and like the Education , Science and Arts Committee ( 1981 ) saw a conflict between transmitting the values of society and preparing young people to change those values .
4 DEALERS in Newcastle were forecasting the abolition of car tax could increase new car sales by up to 6 per cent .
5 Choice of forecasting The choice of method will depend on method ( i ) forecasting objectives ; ( ii ) time scales required ; ( iii ) the relative importance of the forecast ; ( iv ) the degree of accuracy required ; ( v ) the type of data required ; ( vi ) the availability of data ; ( vii ) access to forecasting skills and methods ; ( viii ) company experience with forecasting .
6 He has also been a member of the actuarial profession 's working party on AIDS and developed a model suitable for forecasting the number of AIDS cases in the UK .
7 Pursuing the notion of building sex education into the curriculum , I asked whether they would not be embarrassed to talk about sex with a teacher they saw around all the time .
8 We have so far considered reasons why the interests of managers may not be best served by pursuing the goal of profit maximisation .
9 I take the view that the right to register a fishing vessel , as a precondition for pursuing the activity of fishing in another member state , likewise constitutes an element which is inseparable from the right of establishment in the sea-fishing sector and , on that basis , falls within the sphere of application of article 52 of the E.E.C .
10 His ageing government showed insufficient energy in pursuing the effort of World War II and its prestige and confidence were undermined by the German air raids in April–May 1941 , indecision over conscription , the corruption of Belfast Corporation , what was seen as the weak and complacent handling of industrial relations , and confused planning for the post-war world .
11 A considerable amount of time and money has been spent in pursuing the study of river basin dynamics .
12 US strategic installations and facilities in Liberia included ( i ) an Omega communications system allowing the tracking of shipping and submarine movements in the Atlantic ; ( ii ) a powerful Voice of America radio transmitter situated near Monrovia ; ( iii ) a communications and information-gathering centre at the embassy for contact with US embassies throughout Africa ; and ( iv ) refuelling facilities at Robertsfield airport for the US Air Force .
13 The council had a responsibility to local businesses and should respond positively by allowing the change of use .
14 They were also closely linked , for provoking or allowing the return of Republican " chaos " and , therefore , the disintegration of the nation , was the ultimate , awful responsibility to be pondered by putative dissenters in the Francoist camp .
15 These reports will normally be made in the early months of each financial year , allowing the inclusion of outturn information relating to the financial year just ended .
16 The French State meanwhile acquired forty-seven important twentieth-century works from the estate of Pierre Matisse thanks to its dation system allowing the payment of death duty by kind ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p. 1 ) .
17 In one of them the visitors faced the problem of the relationship between the staff and a head of department being the subject of a libel action , and a refusal by the staff to meet the visitors in the presence of the head of the department ( resolved by the visiting party member who chaired the meeting allowing the head of department to stay until he had to leave ‘ for another meeting ’ ) .
18 I HOPE the Attorney-General is ashamed of himself in allowing the sentence of rapist Dr Thomas Courtenay to stand .
19 The breach of duty consists not of allowing the conflict of interest to arise because that is often outside the control of the director , but of the director 's preferring his own personal interests to those of persons for whom he acts as fiduciary , or of taking advantage of such a position .
20 At this , Grachev was attacked for failing to carry out reforms , allowing the spread of corruption in the army , and hiding statistics about crime .
21 In 1543 , Knox joyfully recorded the effect of allowing the reading of scripture in the vernacular : ‘ Then might have been seen the Bible lying upon almost every gentleman 's table .
22 The day hospital facilitates prolonged observation , allowing the assessment of consistency of a patient 's behaviour and possible behavioural modification to be achieved .
23 It was Dom Pérignon who conceived of the idea that the stalks would act as channels through the relatively thin cake of grapes , allowing the flow of juice to be speeded up .
24 As originally passed in January , the Utah law had been ambiguously worded , allowing the possibility of capital murder charges against both doctors and pregnant women who participated in abortions .
25 He begins by allowing the possibility of schism , such as that which took place in the Roman Empire ( II , 84 ) , which implies that humans can choose not to allow totalization .
26 He had argued that Spain and Inca Peru had reached a parallel stage of social and cultural development at the point of the conquest , allowing the possibility of fusion .
27 Paths and boundaries vanished , allowing the tides of street life to wash right up to the doorsteps .
28 A second consideration against allowing consent to political authority general validity turns on the undesirability of allowing the validity of consent which binds for life , is open-ended , and affects wide-ranging aspects of a person 's life .
29 The UN security council on Wednesday passed a resolution allowing the use of force against aircraft violating the zone .
30 Disability arts belong to Disabled people allowing the creation of art to be paramount , without the more usual digression into issues of inaccessibility .
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