Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] him in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
2 He nearly fell off his bench , groping behind him in the darkness , and heard the metal box clatter as it slipped past his fingers .
3 I think that he , who could have had as many friends as he wished , never realized how much it meant to a lonely and friendless person to have a friend , to be seen walking with him in the rose-red streets of Salamanca , to be able to go to a concert or an art museum with him , to have him opposite me at dinner in even the meanest , cheapest restaurant .
4 Both parents were able to devote a great deal of time to their son , walking with him in the park or going for carriage drives , sometimes as far as La Malmaison , for which Napoleon III had a special affection because of its links with his mother and grandmother .
5 That was when he saw the thin figure jogging towards him in the gloom , and heard the roar of engines come up fast behind him .
6 He was retained by the king as one of his serjeants between 1287 and 1293 and is to be found acting for him in the 1287 Gloucestershire eyre and in the northern circuit eyres of 1292–3 as well as in the Common Bench and in the Exchequer .
7 Nobody would think of looking for him in the Channel Islands .
8 It was an hour before he was discovered missing and we spent the rest of the afternoon searching for him in the woods and plains surrounding the house .
9 The ambulance came , and she ended up looking after him in the intensive care unit .
10 ‘ We will be listening to him in the wings every night . ’
11 They glance up at Howard , looking at him in a new way .
12 Sally lay without moving , looking at him in the light of the moon .
13 ‘ Cheer up ! ’ says his driver , with the curling trench-coat , looking at him in the mirror .
14 Looking at him in the dim light I saw he was clad only in vest and pants .
15 that great black bull , grinning at him in the washroom afterwards as , side by side , they washed their hands .
16 With Alan Leonard leading for him in the pairs semi-final , Graham got off to a 6-0 lead after five ends but Talbot and Nutt came storming back to open a 12-8 lead after 15 ends and after that never really looked like losing .
17 When he arrived at work that morning the result of their labours was waiting for him in a blue folder .
18 The driver of the truck sent to meet Charles and his baggage at the railhead south of Arras , had told him that Lord Christopher — Charles did n't ask the surname — was waiting for him in the Officers ' Mess of 2nd Grenadiers .
19 He had left and walked back to the hotel , and by the time he reached it the police were waiting for him in the lobby .
20 Any horrors waiting for him in the future were compensated by this moment in time .
21 A man came home late from work one night to find his wife sitting waiting for him in the living room .
22 Waiting for him in the studio seven people are busy setting up the camera and lights and unwrapping white plaster pillars and an assortment of very beautiful chairs and tables .
23 The ice crown was waiting for him in the city , protected only by the ghosts .
24 He envied Boxer Sullivan waiting for him in the farmhouse , as like as not with a bottle of beer in front of him or at the very least a cup of tea .
25 Although the citadel had been rebuilt by the Emperor Gia Long in 1802 , its palaces and temples had been designed and constructed faithfully in the style favoured by China 's Ming emperors and at the entrance to the Dai Noi , the Imperial City itself , Tran Van Hieu had been waiting for him in the shadow of the Ngo Mon , the " Bull Gate " roofed in gold tiles like the Gate of Heavenly Peace in Peking .
26 She was waiting for him in the apartment .
27 Curtis , the local CID sergeant , was waiting for him in the police station .
28 Lewis Luther was there within five minutes , and I was waiting for him in the foyer by Purvis 's desk .
29 He had never appeared to notice her existence until today but now , strolling beside him in the warmth of the afternoon sun , Martha felt a heady excitement .
30 And he certainly did n't expect the said Britton to be pointing at him in a manner usually affected by people like Darth Vader or Banquo .
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