Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] it with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These birds , with now and then a solitary Rhynchops and frigate bird ( Tachypeles aquilus ) , were all of the feathered race that I observed in these heated latitudes , a part of the voyage which always hang heavily upon those destined to visit these distant regions ; by me , however , it was not so much felt , the monotony being relieved by the occasional occurrence of a whale , whose huge body rolled lazily by ; by a shoal of porpoises , which sometimes perform most amusing evolutions , throwing themselves completely out of the water , or gliding through it with astonishing velocity ; or by the occasional flight of the beautiful flying fish , when endeavouring to escape from the impetuous rush of the bonito or albacore .
2 The co-operation of these voices might be seen as the very essence of critical commentary : to interpret the text while refering to it with varying levels of precision .
3 She kept pushing at it with all those millions of invisible little arms and hands that were reaching out from her eyes , feeling the power that was flashing straight from the two little black dots in the very centres of her eyeballs .
4 I seemed to remember statuary and flowers — hibiscus or something flaming red , roses maybe , in great urns — and there were doubtless other bedrooms leading off it with similar softly sliding glass doors .
5 Why are you sending to it with that ?
6 At the other end of the scale , a small and humble task can sometimes be given ritual status by attending to it with real attention and care .
7 The administration was always discomposed by evidence of Masai unfaithfulness , reacting to it with pained surprise if not outright disbelief .
8 ‘ I ca n't help it , it 's this horrible cave … ’ she complained huskily , her fingers finding the spring of his curly hair at the nape of his neck , and raking through it with shameless provocation .
9 Endill watched in horror as he began hitting the handle , swinging against it with all his might .
10 She held the envelope to the light , squinting at it with one eye while she tried to read the first paragraph .
11 In the street a man was beating a pie-dog with a heavy stick , lashing at it with mindless energy as the animal cowered back helplessly against a mound of rubbish .
12 He stood beside the cardinal 's chair , leaning against it with one hand on its gilded back .
13 He made the mistake of turning round , stumbled and fell on one knee and then rose , sobbing in terror as he clawed his way to the main gate , hammering on it with all his might .
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