Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] it [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 You have been looking for it for eight years .
2 Many people can not think of playing music or listening to it until six o'clock in the evening .
3 George made a long thinking , grumbling noise , then said , mostly to himself : ‘ The paperwork must have been good … if they were living on it for eighteen months … they were n't escaped prisoners of war trying to reach Switzerland on a hand-copied Fremdenpass …
4 if you get started you can , you palm , the pattern comes back and you follow it through and you get the answer , erm , need to do it every , maybe sort of about once a month or so , for each topic , do n't let a topic go for about a month without you looking at it for ten minutes or so , and it will be surprising how that little bit of effort keeps it in your mind , so when you come to the exam you do n't sit down there and go , oh , it 's two months ago , I was doing everyone right , wonderful
5 So it 's not , you 're looking at it as two .
6 The purpose of this afternoon 's session is basically we 're we 're sort of looking at it from two pronged attacked .
7 But it is an option that I certainly would n't want to discount at this particular er stage erm because it depends on so many er factors , it depends for example whether er the site that er has been identified for up to two thousand and six , and which is developed up to two thousand and six , has the physical capacity to expand beyond two thousand and six , and I think that that ought to be one of the considerations perhaps that we ought to look at as we move towards the identification erm er of the new settlement , conversely , it could well be that ought to be looking at a second new settlement in a different location , erm I ca n't give an answer , a definitive answer , what I can say is , coming back again er to Mr Brook , this sort of issue er will not be picked up in nineteen eighty eight or nineteen eighty nine , er if we are all alive and kicking in North Yorkshire and the District Councils we will be looking at it regularly , we 'll be looking at it in two years time , one years time , erm erm that 's the way we work in Greater York , and it 's basically worked very successfully .
8 The bank has been experimenting with it for seven years , but , this year , 100 branches will come on stream .
9 Coming for it at three .
10 It 's just that he 's coming for it at three so if I get my camera I want it before three .
11 I mean she 's not coming for it till two , two o'clock is she tomorrow ?
12 ’ If you have been attending to it for twenty four years , I came here into this church as a choir boy . ’
13 Douglas Blain , secretary of the Trust , describes his own first contact with the area , by chance coming across it in 1961 .
14 hand me swinging on it for ten minutes
15 ‘ He has played no part in either building the party or campaigning for it for four years now . ’
16 But we 've been talking about it for three four months .
17 She held the envelope to the light , squinting at it with one eye while she tried to read the first paragraph .
18 He stood beside the cardinal 's chair , leaning against it with one hand on its gilded back .
19 This bloke , you know , had been working on it for fifty years nonstop and
20 I 've got three people working on it right now and they 've been working on it for three years .
21 Like the grave-diggers in Hamlet , they speculated on life : ‘ We 've been working on it for 25 years and we still have n't got round .
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