Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] a time when " in BNC.

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1 But few critics are laughing at a time when ex-Klansman David Duke is able seriously to contend the governorship of Louisiana .
2 The reason for this is to prevent additional symptoms occurring at a time when you might be suffering from PMT .
3 Moreover , this is occurring at a time when few resources are available to enable them to deal with increased numbers .
4 For Iraq , the effect had been particularly severe , occurring at a time when the country was suffering a financial crisis as a result of having fought a war against Iran on behalf of all Arabs .
5 All of these changes were happening at a time when the rapid expansion of television was encouraging even greater isolation .
6 All this was happening at a time when the Canadian Northern Railway was creating , in effect , a third transcontinental railway , built on much more economical lines than the exceptionally expensive and high-quality GTP .
7 Instead we are living in a time when we can watch a TV ad which tells us that cars which are way beyond the range of most people 's pockets are being ‘ handbuilt ( somewhere else ) by robots ’ .
8 In brief , both Lanfranc and Anselm were living in a time when the ancient consensus of local testimony , which had sufficed in the past for most matters of faith and practice , was being subordinated to more formal legal and rational procedures .
9 Forgetting for a moment the totally illogical premise that Welsh teams get dirtier as they get better , I fail to see what useful purpose was served by raking up old controversies dating from a time when most of the current Welsh team were in primary school .
10 We are living at a time when everyone is forced to adopt a political position : one day it will become clear that 6 February 1934 marked a dividing point in literature as well as in politics .
11 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
12 Huxley was , after all , writing at a time when medical horizons were limited to digoxin for heart failure , morphine for pain and a handful of other remedies .
13 He already had a verbal agreement with Forest for another year , but chairman Frederick Reacher was anxious to put it in writing at a time when the anti-Clough lobby was growing in strength .
14 The only systematic disentanglement from corporatist theorizing and policy analysis of the administrative component was by R. E. Pahl and J. T. Winkler , writing at a time when it seemed that Britain had been developing in the direction of corporatism for the previous fifteen years and was experiencing sectoral planning , planning agreements and statutory or voluntary controls over prices , profit margins , dividends , wages , rents and the movement of capital .
15 When asked what had kept him going at a time when Willie Miller 's appointment as manager at Pittodrie prompted speculation that McLeish might be a natural second-in-command , the defender was unequivocal .
16 Yet if it is not alarmed by this procedure , you may well be able to relieve the obstruction and so prevent the dog from choking at a time when rapid action is required .
17 Chapters 4 to 6 are art historical , interpreting about 800 years , beginning with a time when a miniaturist copied approved models with almost or actual religious obedience , and ending in a period in the early Renaissance when an illuminator does not even stand up when the Chancellor of France enters the room or when John of Holland can complain that Jacquemart de Hesdin has stolen his private pattern sheets in 1398 .
18 In Japan , we must be getting to a time when equities are worth buying , so , on a five-year basis , I would choose the Schroder Japan Smaller Companies which has a good reputation , or possibly the Schroder Tokyo fund .
19 It 's heartening for actors like these from the award-winning Gate Theatre company to see a theatre expanding at a time when many they play in are threatened with closure .
20 More than 7,000 young men spent time at American air bases in Alabama , Georgia , Florida and South Carolina , learning the arts of flying at a time when Britain was desperately short of qualified pilots .
21 Hart was a great master printer and , as he had said of Charles , third Earl Stanhope [ q.v. ] , ‘ he did solid good to the Art of Printing at a time when help was sorely needed ’ ( Hart , Charles , Earl Stanhope , and the Oxford University Press , 1896 ) .
22 This disappointment , coming at a time when he was already in a precarious state of health , is said to have accelerated Wasbrough 's death , which occurred 21 October 1781 .
23 The initiative is seen as important , coming at a time when social problems such as depression and suicide , increased violence and child abuse of all kinds are increasing .
24 He says it would be morally wrong to reduce spending at a time when millions depend on it just to survive .
25 Pitcher pooh-poohs the notion of a stock market listing at a time when so many entrepreneurs are taking their companies private once more .
26 Laugh , if you must , about Skoda , but its market share is increasing at a time when some ‘ serious ’ manufacturers are in decline .
27 In the 1980s , aggregate Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) has been roughly static , and per capita GDP has been falling at a time when net aid flows have been rising .
28 These first Mark IIs to reach Malta were a most welcome reinforcement , arriving at a time when Axis operations had fallen off , pending the German invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece .
29 It is wise to remember that these men were competing at a time when the black presence was of only tiny significance .
30 The authorities ' ability to pay for reforms was diminishing at a time when the gentry 's lack of enthusiasm for restructuring their finances was as great as ever .
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