Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] in [num] " in BNC.

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1 He did his best to ignore it , failed , and reached out to the bedside table where it sat , throwing the receiver off its cradle and returning to her in one graceless motion .
2 Owing to the small size of the unit in which he served , I wonder after so many years , how many ( if any ? ) of the men serving with him in 1426 still survive ?
3 But it is an option that I certainly would n't want to discount at this particular er stage erm because it depends on so many er factors , it depends for example whether er the site that er has been identified for up to two thousand and six , and which is developed up to two thousand and six , has the physical capacity to expand beyond two thousand and six , and I think that that ought to be one of the considerations perhaps that we ought to look at as we move towards the identification erm er of the new settlement , conversely , it could well be that ought to be looking at a second new settlement in a different location , erm I ca n't give an answer , a definitive answer , what I can say is , coming back again er to Mr Brook , this sort of issue er will not be picked up in nineteen eighty eight or nineteen eighty nine , er if we are all alive and kicking in North Yorkshire and the District Councils we will be looking at it regularly , we 'll be looking at it in two years time , one years time , erm erm that 's the way we work in Greater York , and it 's basically worked very successfully .
4 Douglas Blain , secretary of the Trust , describes his own first contact with the area , by chance coming across it in 1961 .
5 We look forward to hearing from you in 1992 !
6 Jealous of Lubor ? ’ and did n't know where she was when , as if he did n't think much of sitting opposite her in one chair while she had the huge couch all to herself , Ven suddenly moved from his chair and came and sat down next to her on the couch .
7 The guy was taking on ten people at o he he had ten people working for him in one day .
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