Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] all the " in BNC.

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1 There was another couple of Chelsea fans I was singing about them all the fucking day were n't I ?
2 And there was poor Mr Forbes gaga as a gooseberry over her , never mind she was laughing at him all the time .
3 He smiled and began to climb the slope again , slowly , looking about him all the while , his eyes taking in the ruins , the distant , cloud-wreathed mountains , the two horses grazing just below them .
4 Peter has now been transferred to the Aylestone Day Centre in Hereford , where he has volunteer helpers looking after him all the time .
5 They 're going to be confused yes , very confused , I mean on the football pitch you usually get the trainer run man and they 're talking to the footballer and it 's looking at them all the time and he will ask questions , erm what 's your name ?
6 Keep on looking at it all the time .
7 one ball hanging out like like I mean you could n't help looking at it all the time
8 Trembling violently he swallowed the brandy and ate the food like a hunted animal , looking around him all the time for danger .
9 I just felt my mind rebelling against it all the time .
10 All these reminiscences told the same story : a big , healthy , gregarious man , full of fun and sport , always living life to the full and extracting from it all the juice it contained , and more .
11 King Edward 1 , that great town-planner , gave it a charter in 1286 , conferring upon it all the liberties and privileges of the City of London .
12 According to legend he once ate a plate of raw Troll meat which is regenerating within him all the time .
13 And , pa , he he 's competing with you all the time .
14 They were moving with me all the time and er , the eldest child was four year 's old when he came to this country and er , two and a half year 's old the girl , younger to him .
15 Lucie , who had been calling to him all the while , unheard above the din , caught him in both arms and ran with him , up the steps and through the chapel door which Izzie was holding open .
16 If , however , you are using an agency capable of providing a reasonable service — even if it is not a ‘ full service agency ’ — you are likely to meet , at one time or another , an account group , consisting of at least five or six people , who will be doing between them all the tasks involved in creating and placing your advertising .
17 I ran and he went on running with me all the way .
18 ‘ It needs money spending on it all the time to keep it going and in a fair state of maintenance .
19 He held him firmly , as his parents had always told him to do , and after a battle of wills , staring at him all the time , the leprechaun began to weaken .
20 Hanging over him all the time , however , was the knowledge that he had to go back into hospital for further surgery on his spine .
21 I hate you all fussing over me all the time . ’
22 He also told me that for some years , two unknown people , evidently strategically placed in big City offices , have been collecting for us all the first-day covers received there .
23 ‘ But I 'm learning about it all the time , ’ said Angalo .
24 Sorry about having a go at you two about talking about me all the time but I mean that 's the w that 's , that 's the impression I 've always got .
25 Someone like James for , how long did that go on for , for about a month , when he could n't he stop talking about me all the time it was sort of like , you know , I like this , you know what I mean , he was talking
26 People ringing up about it and talking about it all the time are n't they ?
27 But he does n't , and my mother wo n't tell him to go , because she 's never in her life told anyone to go , it is n't in her , but he 's grinding her into the ground , she ca n't work , she ca n't concentrate , he keeps talking to her all the time , and the baby cries , and it upsets her , for all that she keeps saying it does n't , and that it takes her back to the happiest years of her life , when we were all in plastic pants , I suppose she means , except I think we all had to wear wet woolly leggings , she had this thing about plastic pants being unhealthy . "
28 Cos Lee , since this one 's been talking to him all the time
29 ‘ She wo n't leave me alone , talking to me all the time , distracting me . ’
30 And Mrs Funnell was talking at them all the time : ‘ I 'm not surprised .
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