Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] be the " in BNC.

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1 The driver 's door was open and kneeling behind it was the man looking through binoculars .
2 Waiting for him are the entertainments manager , played by veteran British character actor Sydney Tafler , and another stand-up act , in the guise of Christopher Timothy , who later became known as a star of All Creatures Great and Small .
3 Waiting for him was the illuminated Lifeboat tram , on which he made a tour of the Promenade , waving to the crowds and commenting favourably on Blackpool 's modern streamlined trams .
4 Waiting for him were the Bosnian Serb leader , Radovan Karadzic , Bosnian Croat leader , Mate Boban , and mediators Lord Owen and Cyrus Vance .
5 Let's , supposing that I am the parent .
6 Sir Neville Cardus , another great music critic writing about the history of music , likened the image of great composers such as Bach , Mozart and Beethoven as , ‘ Looking at a range of mountains , those names are on the summits then one comes to a plateau — and there standing out and rising from it is the cathedral of César Franck . ’
7 What was really getting to him was the fact that alien-fever was proving hard to eradicate in the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
8 What was disturbing about him was the impression he gave one of the potential of undercover intimidation , difficult to pin down and therefore impossible to counter .
9 He was on a road that led through a swamp , and then coming towards him was the rough figure of a shepherd , the jostling oval shapes of the animals .
10 I wonder if we can get to the point of my question , it may be my fault but I will try again , the reason I am suggesting to you was the decision was made to update the service charges once a year was because if you did n't update the , the existing brochure might mislead , is that right or not ?
11 Setting the limit and sticking to it is the key factor in behaviour control .
12 In any case , Payne and Prudential 's Rodney Dennis both say they want brokers ' research , and dealing through them is the way they get it .
13 The threat of all Darlington Catholics voting against him was the most astute piece of political blackmail I have ever seen .
14 Now they were thinner and leaner and much dirtier and all they were taking with them were the torn and grubby clothes they stood up in .
15 Just occasionally Nails managed it , and saw that finding the rhythm and rising and falling to it was the nub of the whole uncomfortable business , but it did not happen very often .
16 Standing on it were the leading American money-winner , Bob Stein , and the film actor Buck Finnegan , famous for his tough-guy roles .
17 If you want to be the next Harry Craig , send a tape of your playing to I 'm The World 's Worst Guitar Player , The House Of Guitars , 645 Titus Avenue , Rochester , N.Y. 14617 sometime before the end of the year , and the very worst of luck to you …
18 Striding towards him was the professor .
19 What is striking to me is the degree of bafflement expressed by many here ( of any level of education and experience ) over different Arab reactions to what , at the time of writing , is the invasion of occupation of Iraq by air and the bombing of a celebrated capital , Baghdad , as well as an important city , Basra .
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