Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pron] [subord] the " in BNC.

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1 So anyway yesterday afternoon I was checking through it when the phone went again to ask about the washing machine and I was looking through the paper to see whether , and they 'd put it in this week !
2 The walls , curved or octagonal , gleamed into brilliance as Jezrael passed , dying behind her until the next person switched them on by body-heat .
3 I remember I had to do one once , ear , nose and throat and everything and you 're explaining to them where the the erm adenoid and tonsil and tissue was and oh my god talk about
4 Simon Wigg says that everybody was laughing at him because the bike looked so different but he had the last laugh … won the title and that 's what it 's all about …
5 And when the rangers are out on the patrol they are constantly looking around to see what has been happening around them as the seasons change and what work needs to be done .
6 I mean I … you know I do talk quite openly to my pupils which is a little daring of me because the situation in Cyprus is a little different from here …
7 The dog might not respond readily to their commands , and may simply head off into the distance , possibly looking for you if the territory is familiar .
8 She searched for words , and was still searching for them as the front door opened and Herr Nordern came in .
9 I mean if we go , we 're sitting on the outside and invariably they 're a bit over into the gangway well if a chap kept pushing against us as the car went round corners it would n't be very nice would it ?
10 ‘ Oh , what a lovely garden , ’ said Sally-Anne , looking around her as the last bloom was placed on her pile .
11 For tragic Tony Hancock 's TV career had a lot more going for it than the poorly-performed Blood Donor in 1961 , still his most famous show , even though it was all acted off cue cards .
12 " But it 'll still be there waiting for you after the Christmas festivities are over .
13 That 's waiting for you when the assignment comes up .
14 they 're waiting for you as the train pulls in .
15 The sweat was pouring from him when the ultimate moment arrived .
16 This point can be proved by pushing the vehicle along the road to show there was no braking effect ; by things speaking for themselves where the unattended vehicle runs away , down hill ; and by observing the handbrake lever in the off position etc .
17 The proportion of jobs with pension schemes has grown in the last twenty years , with the result that the ‘ young ’ elderly have a greater chance of benefiting from them than the older elderly .
18 Software602 , the Czech Republic 's largest packaged software vendor , announced it has shelved plans to prosecute a group of Czech teenagers that it alleged had illegally copied software packages belonging to it after the Business Software Alliance refuted the company 's assertions that it was backing the case .
19 All meetings were boring to him unless the participants could talk in depth and unless the debate was by a small enough number of people for personal friendships to be fostered .
20 Some clauses would need to be printed in red ink with a red hand pointing to it before the notice could be held to sufficient .
21 When the news did become public , colleagues who had avoided speaking to me when the going got tough reappeared and said how sorry they were that I was leaving .
22 Arthur was the ticket clerk at Portsmouth railway station and the heat and been getting to him before the man arrived .
23 She was just imagining Meredith dressed up as a sailor and herself with her arms round his neck , clinging to him as the wind tried to tear them apart , when a man with a tray hung from his neck asked her to buy bootlaces .
24 In general , however , the contract of a mentally disordered person is fully binding on him unless the other party was aware that he was so insane as not to understand the nature of the transaction .
25 Mrs Murchie added : ’ I did not know what to do so I just kept talking to her until the ambulance arrived .
26 One of his chapters is entitled ‘ The Beat as an Obstacle Race ’ , which is a good way of thinking about it since the obstacles to your progress are the numerous areas of dirty wind provided by other sails and you have to do your utmost to avoid them .
27 Someone else was blown out by the cool-warm gale , tottering into her as the car howled away .
28 Diana was chatting to him when the telephone rang .
29 We tried tooth and nail and finally impaled it on a thorn tree , tugging at it until the branch flew off and hurtled us into a ditch .
30 Incorporating the bare bones of the original , William Orbit uses Smith 's weary voice as the base , building around it until the whole resembles a gigantic sci-fi puzzle set to music .
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