Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , in er mammals wha you could say what was happening in mammals is that males are competing for access to uteruses .
2 Such criteria have , therefore , to be general and highly flexible allowing for sensitivity to people 's aspirations .
3 And I suppose , thought Fenella , with a sidelong glance at her companion , that I shall have to find a suitable way , an acceptable way , of explaining about Nuadu to Caspar .
4 Eight hundred oarsmen and women will be rowing through Herefordshire to Wales in the River Wye Raft Race .
5 After around ten to fifteen years in practice , successful barristers can consider applying for promotion to Queen 's Counsel , known as ‘ silk ’ from the material of which the QC 's formal gown is made .
6 This explicit relating of theory to practice is a feature which is all too often missing in texts written about language teaching .
7 Returning via Paris to New York , Pérez de Cuéllar reported to the UN Security Council on Jan. 14 the lack of success in his discussions with Saddam Hussein .
8 She insisted on driving with Murphy to Bodmin to meet her parents .
9 It can be seen that a long list of students ( or any other units ) could be used for a random sample by this means simply by numbering from beginning to end , and this could be done with an automatic increasing numbering stamp .
10 A cat or monkey using its perceptual powers in leaping from wall to wall , or branch to branch , needs some representation of stability and support .
11 It darted up a tree with breathtaking ease , and the young man watched it leaping from bough to bough , as light and airy as a puff of grey smoke .
12 The tips of the fingers and toes are equipped with sucker-like discs that help them to cling on , and the long tail is used as a balance and brake when leaping from branch to branch .
13 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
14 As it was , he stood in front of Lucie 's chair leaping from foot to foot and gesticulating wildly .
15 If you want to see dazzling feats of mountaineering , with animals leaping from ledge to ledge across gaping chasms , then look to the chamois .
16 Having lived in Australia for some years and witnessed forest fires , leaping from tree to tree and running along the thin covering of bush and grass , I could enter imaginatively into the prophet 's experience .
17 Property price inflation lifted turnover and operating profits , but costs also increased steeply , with interest charges leaping from £1.236m to £3.94m , reducing the pre-tax result .
18 The rewards are just beginning to come through with Mercury 's contribution to C&W trading profit leaping from £4million to £14million in the six months to September 30 .
19 She saw Ace , getting nearer , wide-eyed with concern , leaping from rock to rock .
20 Then he slapped his thigh , stood up , leaping from embarrassment to action .
21 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
22 In 45-minute classes infants grapple with walking in time to music , marching , pony-trotting ; facial expressions and gestures are tested , too .
23 To be sure , this contrast is over-stated , and academic fields have periods of relative stagnation and sudden revolution , just as professional ones can evolve almost without anyone noticing in response to shifts in practice .
24 Twist your body to the left and keep alternating from side to side .
25 It causes ‘ thrush ’ , which is an infection of mucous membranes occurring from time to time in young children , characterized by white patches developing in the mouth .
26 The probability of the particle traveling from A to B is given by adding up the numbers associated with all the paths that take the particle from A to B. For most paths , the number associated with the path will nearly cancel out the numbers from paths that are close by .
27 Dismayed at the pain he had inflicted and at the pain he himself felt in consequence , Richard rushed forward , then stopped a few feet from Victoria twisting from side to side in frustration , wondering how he could stop her crying .
28 I could see you were prickling from head to foot with some kind of emotion towards me .
29 Later Scandinavian sources suggest a date of 1027 for the battle of Holy River , but this is rendered implausible by chapter 13 of the Letter sent by Cnut to England in that year , which mentions people who had tried to deprive him of his kingdom and his life , but whose power had been destroyed by God , and says that he is returning from Rome to Denmark to make peace with them .
30 Aid officials from the United Kingdom , returning from visits to Eritrea and Tigre on April 3 , reported that food supplies were reaching people in the region , mostly via the cross-border route from Sudan , and that there was no mass starvation , but warned that the situation could worsen when existing food aid pledges ran out after May .
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